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Battlefield Heroes Is 'Already Out' Says Dice >
2008/08/22 9:46:55: Posted by DM
Dice Exec Producer Ben Cousins has revealed the plans to gradually roll out BF Heroes. Dice is apparently going to gradually increase the beta member count until, one day, they simply say, this is retail! There won't be a "big splash" release, says Cousins. How to get into the beta now? No word yet, but keep an eye out.

"We're not going to turn on a switch one day and suddenly our audience gets 100 times bigger," he explained. "It's really our plan, within the closed beta, to get a very high number of peak concurrent users and we expect in the later phases of the closed beta to be about as big as Bad Company is today in terms of online numbers.

Labeled With  battlefield heroes pc dice

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Written by VaeVictus on 2008/08/22

Why would they make this on the PC? It's easier to make it on the 360. :-o
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