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UK Repair Service Refuses To Take Xbox360 'Red Light' Cases >
2007/06/28 12:06:30: Posted by DM
Apparently, at least one UK Xbox repair house has now stopped taking repairs for the "red ring of death" issue on the Xbox360. Micromart claims it was seeing around 30 consoles a week for this problem before they stopped accepting them. Micromart repairs units for the more individual retail houses, who get returns and then send the Xbox360 units to Micromart. The repair company pulled the service after discovering problems with the motherboard, and that that repairing the console wasn't financially feasible. Will MS respond to these accusations?

"Rather than lead customers up the garden path we'd walk away from it and tell them to go directly to Microsoft because they have the facility to replace the motherboard. If Microsoft has updated the motherboard for the new consoles that its producing then presumably they've improved the existing model."

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Written by B1ueBurneR on 2007/06/28

Microsoft put itself in the position to loose this console war to The Red Light of Death. They need to do something fast. !
Written by silverwolf on 2007/06/28

MS won't do squat! They've avoided the issue with "it's a moving target" crap. MS was hoping they would make a profit (hence why they used crappy hardware *except cpu & gpu*). Re-designing the motherboard will put them in the hole again. I guess they think repairing the console would be more feasable than a complete re-design. And that stupid if you ask me!

Which is sad cause when both my 360's were working I had a great time. But after the second died I went back to Sony. Now I can game without the fear lurking in the back of my head "will it die after this game?"
Written by euro on 2007/06/28

I agree they need to do something about the red ring problems. I'm on my third 360 now because my first two have both died from the red ring of death.
Written by MAKAVELI_ on 2007/06/28

Its sad to such well designed console having these problems.
Written by madgunde on 2007/06/28


It's not very well designed if they're having such a high failure rate.

What I find amazing is how widespread the issues are. I've seen so many people post about being on their 2nd and third replacement, yet some 360 fanboys make excuses and pretend there isn't an issue.

The only way Microsoft will actually do something about it is if their sales really start to suffer or they get sued. A class action lawsuit is in order IMHO. I haven't heard of one yet. Has one been filed yet?
Written by MAKAVELI_ on 2007/06/28

@@@ Madgunde

I was talking in a Specs and computer power/ease of development point of view.

It is expected to both Sony and Nintendo having more experience on this field (manufacturing/ hardware efficiency) , but even with this , this figures are almost unacceptable , i don’t remember of the original xbox having so much defected/failures units as the x360.

The Problem is either from the design or from the identity who is manufacturing the units.

And Yes , one of this days dont be surprised if someone filled (or try) to fill a lawsuit agaist Microsoft because of x360 "ridiculous" failure rate.
Written by zwandaba on 2007/06/29

1 year warrenty my ass, i won't be happy until Microsoft tells me that they have changed the xbox 360 hardware allowing it to last a lifetime. Crazy i know, but just look at the Atari, even now its still working.
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