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Cold Winter

Labeled With  cold winter playstation 2 swordfish studios vivendi universal
Written by DM on Monday, November 14 2005

It has come to my attention that most people judge reviews based on a score, so from now on, we will include scores with all our reviews, based on a 1 to 10 scale. So, let's take a look at cold winter.

Captured, conveniently forgotten, tortured, and left for dead, MI6 agent Andrew Sterling awaits execution in a Chinese prison. The story begins when a mysterious friend from his past rescues him, setting off a chain of events that could rock the very foundations of global security and wreak chaos on a worldwide level. Just another day in paradise..." Sounds exciting, right? Wrong. Now, I understand the the graphics on the increasingly dated PS2 are not going to a factor when compared even to the Xbox or Gamecube, but the graphics in Cold Winter are not even close to what the PS2 is capable of. The environment is drab and uninteresting, with very little to interact with besides doors and boxes. You can throw over the occasional piece of furniture or debris for cover, but you just about never need cover.

The single player mode is an average FPS. It attempts to mimic Splinter Cell, and it is fairly obvious. It was hard to discern any innovative features of this game, you can pick up new weapons, use weapon emplacements, crouch, jump, and shoot. Beyond that, there is not much to the game. The guards are easy to kill and you must take more bullets than a human should be able to before you go down.
The multiplayer options in this game are 2 fold. You can play online, which is fairly straightforward, you sign on and join a game. There are few game modes, and it reminds me a lot of Bond for the N64. There is also split screen multiplayer for the home. You can play up to 4 players in this mode, although with the PS2 this is likely not often to be used, since you have to buy Sony's version of a USB hub, the multitap. Be that as it may, we tried 4 players at once, and surprisingly, the frame rate did not suffer too much. Now I do not recommend this 4 player split screen mode if you do not have a large TV as you will surely go blind, not to mention killing your self.

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