
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom PS3 Screens >
2006/06/08 13:56:18: Posted by DM
Sony has released some new screens from Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom for the Playstation 3. As you can see the graphical quality has increased considerable since the last batch of leaked screens.

Labeled With  untold legends playstation 3 sce

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Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom

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Written by Kenny K on 2006/06/08

still not impressed however. for a machine that is "twice the power of the 360" i still expect more whether or not those claims are correct.
Written by RastaDator (104) on 2006/06/08

This is not the only game in production for PS3, besides that devels are learning PS3 tricks right now, we must give them (and to PS3) a chance.
Written by ej (100) on 2006/06/08

thats all everyone does is give ps3 a chance maybe its just not as great as everyone wants it to be
Written by silverwolf on 2006/06/08

I think the problem is Sony made people set there expectations too high!
Written by optaviusx on 2006/06/08

The ps3 will be no better than the 360. Both will have really high quality games. There will be games on the ps3 that look as good as Gears of War. PS3 has a cpu advantage, but its harder to harness that power. 360 cpu is extremely powerful as well, but easy to harness the power (compared to ps3) Blu Ray will have the convenience of having most games be a single disc, but who cares I've never had trouble switching game discs before (if we ever have to for the 360) It comes down to the developers and the games they make as it always has. The ps3 isn't going to pull off these truly amazing things that the 360 isn't capable of. The ps3 will just have more cpu power to throw around if they can harness it.
Written by Itaintrite on 2006/06/08

KennyK, you and many others are forgetting that not ALL the resources of the PS3 will be used to create pretty graphics. There's also the gameplay portion too. A true next-gen game is one with next-gen graphics and next-gen gameplay.
Written by optaviusx on 2006/06/08

Yes alot of people have their expectations set way too high. I'll admit my expectations were high for the 360, but games like gears of war, mass effect, halo 3 just continue to exceed my expectations. On the ps3 I'm sure it'll be no different as there are many talented developers.
Written by MattTS (64) on 2006/06/08

Sony always gives out misleading specifications. PSX: Sony: 1.5 million polys/sec and Reality 0.3K polys/sec. PS2: Sony: 66 - 75 million poly/s sec and reality 4 - 7 million polys/sec.
Written by silverwolf on 2006/06/08

I really do hope sony launches there games at $50.00 this would make MS follow and benefit us all!
Written by OptX (103) on 2006/06/08

Again...what does Xbox 360 have to do with this article? Jebus, you fanboys have got to get a life. I don't really care for Kia Sedona's as cars, but I certainly think Halo 3 will be great.
Written by RastaDator (104) on 2006/06/08

Well, Iam sure expectations will be fulfilled, and probably we will be wondering how far this baby can go.

I dont really believe that 360 is as powerful as PS3, it is undeniable that 360 has a lot of power inside but I am expecting Sony's console will surpass it eventualy, creating a gap between both.
Written by Mr. Know it all (83) on 2006/06/08

I can't believe that 97% of your alls post are talking about xbox 360 and how PS3 isn't as good. The funny thing is, I can sit back and laugh at you all and realize how stupid you 97% really are.

This game looks easily just as good as Kameo... if not better. It looks better than 99 nights too.

This is the 1st gen of PS3 and the games are already looking better than 2nd gen xbox 360 shit. Shut up and get the hell of the Ps3 boards if you don't like the system.

The 1st 5 post had nothing to say about the pics at all... just that the Ps3 sucks, basically. Well, you all suck!

Get off the boards!!!
Written by MattTS (64) on 2006/06/08

Believing Sony's PS3 lies would be incredibly naive. Sony's benchmarks for the emotion engine saying it was more powerful than the Xbox CPU were just for decoding video - not in actual usage. The PS3 is likely no better than the 360 - perhaps not as good if the operating system takes as much resources as previously claimed (64MB RAM, 32MB VRAM and 1 SPE). The Cell is killer for decoding lots of high definition video - perfect for the PS3 with all the pre-rendered "goodness". The PS3's GPU which seems to just be a modified 7 series Nvidia GPU will obviously lack the HDR and AA features of the 360's ATI GPU. In reality they will be incredibly close and it will likely be impossible to tell the difference for most games. For people pointing out some of the real time demos - have a look at the real time demos from ATI and Nvidia. The real time demos look amazing but real games don't look anywhere near as good.
Written by optaviusx on 2006/06/08

know it all this game looks better than second gen 360 titles? There are good second gen titles from good developers and there are bad second titles from bad developers ;) Also this game got an engine built specifically for it ninety nine nights is using an upgraded current gen engine. Of course this game will be better adapted to the ps3 than ninety nine nights is to the 360. Also Ninety Nine Nights was originally scheduled to be a 360 japan launch title so no it isn't a second generation 360 title.

Rasta you don't believe the 360 is as powerful as the ps3? You better start believing it and creating a gap you say? I think with the 360's gpu capabilities and it having 3 times the general purpose processing power (more well rounded for game coding) It will be the 360 that is more likely to create a gap between the 2 consoles. Know it all interesting how you skip over 360 titles like mass effect, gears of war, halo 3, Lost Planet etc. Untold Legends look better than those? Also you don't compare a game that had an engine built specifically for the ps3 (untold legends) to a 360 title that is using a current gen engine with some upgrades (ninety nine nights)

Rasta I guarantee you that the 360 as time goes on proves to be more powerful than the Playstation 3. You remember what one of those devs said that discredited the inquirer article? How the ps2 had higher peak, but the xbox was more powerful in real world games? It will be the same with the 360 vs ps3. 360 will be the better of the 2 in actual games. The 360 gpu puts the ps3's to shame and you'll find out just how badly it beats the ps3 in due time.
Written by Jon (88) on 2006/06/08

Opta, why even respond to know it all? He's a troll.

At least he quit calling people stupid names.

What the hell is a pony pisser?
Written by optaviusx on 2006/06/08

Yea I probably shouldn't I didn't mean to even bad mouth the ps3, but I had to respond to some of the ridiculous comments. Two wrongs don't make a right though so I'm also guilty of adding fuel to the fire.
Written by JohnnyBoy (1) on 2006/06/08

I have to say as far as the ps3 being more powerful than 360 Im in the camp that its true but its just going to take a while for the gap to widen. When you see the really talented developers using it im really impressed. The Naughty Dog Game, LAIR, FFXIII, and MGS4 look phenomenal and I think are more visually impressive than what the 360 will put out in the end. Gears of War does look great but I still think MGS4, and FFX look better. Ultimately were not going to be able to tell if thats true until a year from now. But I do agree that almost all the current ps3 games shown that are going to be out around launch look just as good as second generation 360 games.
Written by cyrix_0 on 2006/06/08

This is PS3 news...yet so many commenters are advertising or defending the Xbox360.

Every PS3 Logo news is a chance for flaming and make moutains out of molehills.

Taking literal talk onto to the lateral matter...Bunch of hypocritical drama queens...

The games certainely has had a revamp in graphics and an improvement in the gameplay factor from the news gameplay vids from gamespot. Its not finished yet so expect it to improve as time goes on. The game seems decent.

The graphics of this game are probally not its key point, I would'nt use it has a benchmark for PS3 graphics power, that would be naive to even clutch at that straw.

There is some contradictory to the comments made here. People are quick to judge a Game by its graphics and blow out big scenarios about it. Then later go on about how graphics do not mean everything. In reality Graphics are important but mean shit when you Actaully get down to playing the game.

Written by RastaDator (104) on 2006/06/08

Hey Matts you are saying cell is only a video player, that is a good form to understime the PS3. Scientifically tested, CELL is a extremely powerful number cruncher. Specs are there, but only proper programing techniques can get most of this console. x360 is easer because it have a more simetrical design and devels can use the power of each core in the same way. Programming PS3 is trickier because SPEs are different and less capable than the PPU , that difference needs to be taken into account. Regarding GPUs, I think CELL and RSX are much more integrated than we think, and additionally CELL can do full graphical duty if requested.

MaTTs what are you talking about? xbox CPU was crappy,

it was a PII or something like that.

EE > xbox CPU, remember that physics and particle effects are much better on PS2, the PS2 problem was a weak GPU (with very low memory), devels needs to do magic for getting something from that gear.
Written by Test (102) on 2006/06/08

This game doesnt look bad, but I'm still not gonna get a ps3 until it has a major price drop. My tv is 480p, Bluray doesn't even interest me.
Written by Blah (119) on 2006/06/09

Its so funny how many of you are comparing 1st gen PS3 games to 2nd gen Xbox 360 games. Obviously games like Lost Planet and Mass effect had probably 2 years of development time. You can't compare these games to PS3 games that have been in actual development for probably 8-9 months at most. I tell you right now, 2 years from now you'll start to see similar graphics on both consoles. Maybe some 360 games will look better than the rest and maybe some PS3 games will look better than the rest. You all always argue about the techs in both consoles when really it doesn't even matter. What matters is about the gameplay and how fun a game would be, not how pretty it looks.

I mean yeah Mass Effect and Lost Planet, the graphics are orgasmic...but the gameplay looks like something that can be achieved on current-gen consoles which is still fun but it isn't anything different. Lost Planet is just another 3rd person shooter and Mass Effect is just another KOTOR except for the fact that Jedi aren't beating the crap out of each other.
Written by Blah (119) on 2006/06/09

If you guys wanna get technical, the RSX and the Xenos GPUs are very similar in power but the only thing that separates the two is the fact that Xenos has 10 mb of DRAM which is pretty sweet, but its not going to make games on 360 look 360 times better than the PS3's games. In my opinion these two GPUs shouldn't even be compared because they are way too different but games wise they will look the same.

Now the Cell processor and the 360 CPU, Cell can handle more and developers can do a lot with it but its going to take time to extract that power because its difficult to program for, but once it is extracted there will be better AI and physics in PS3 games than 360 games, but it probably won't be noticable. 360's CPU is more programmer friendly and has good processing output but in time Cell would get better at it. 360 has a great GPU, PS3 has a great CPU...hopefully we will see a Playstation 360 and we will have the ultimate console for gaming moohahah 8)
Written by Test (102) on 2006/06/09

The Lost Planet Demo's graphics weren't all that great actually...Oblivion seems to have way more environmental detail...so far at least.
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