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Sony GDC Banner Hints At 'Achivements Meets Miis' PS3 Plans? >
2007/03/05 12:49:52: Posted by DM
According to CVG, it is very hard to miss Sony's presence at this year's GDC event. This may be an indication that Sony has something very big planned for us. To that end, CVG has revealed that one Sony banner inparticular may hint at the new "XBox360 type achievments meets Wii type Mii" feature on their PS3. The banner slogan says "Live in your world. Create new ones in ours." Rumor mill for now folks since this could be either a hint at the new rumored "PS3 Home" service, or as with many rumors, it could be nothing. Stay tuned either way.

Labeled With  sony playstation 3 gdc rumor

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Written by Unbiased Technology Professor on 2007/03/05

Sony has so many problems with the Playstation 3, they need to focus on making some decent software...and nothing else.

People clearly don't want a "Computer Entertainment System." Sony needs to remove that label from their own box of the PS3, because the PS3 sucks as a computer...and the fact that the PS3 is thought of as a computer by Sony is the reason why it has ended up as such a disappointing videogame system.

Kenny K, before you say something like, "Why did you change the subject," you need to realize that employees are the ones who come up with ideas like this and then implement them. If Sony is wasting the time of their employees on nonsense like this, then you can see that they are not working on games like they should be.

This is the sort of stuff that should have been designed before the PS3 system was released, and then taken advantage of after its launch...similar to the Xbox 360 and the Wii.

Once a system is released, it is most important to use all available resources for software...that is the truth.

Let's just hope this stays a rumor.
Written by VaeVictus on 2007/03/05

I'm not sure how updating the online service is bad news.

Sony has the 3rd largest team of developers in the biz. They have continuously put out quality titles. Not sure how their focus on software has been ignored. Their large inhouse dev community is the reason they haven't been concerned with lost exclusives. I'm not saying I agree with that stance. Their impressive list of games from in house dev's does add merit to the argument.

Also, try reading the article on next gen biz. There is a lot of optimism in the PS3's abilities in the future. Many feel it will surpass anything we've seen so far or that will be capable by any other console.
Written by Unbiased Tech Doctor on 2007/03/05

"Once a system is released, it is most important to use all available resources for software...that is the truth."

Following your logic XBOX Live shouldn't exist...or have you forgotten that Xbox Live didn't launch simultaneously with the original xbox? The service was made avaible almost a year after the system was launched (correct me if I'm wrong...don't know the exact date). Also just as Xbox Live this is a service that could be categorized under "software" since it doesn't represent a an internal change in the hardware that you use to access the service.

Should they have released this at the same time the system launched? Of course...but it isn't easy to start all this stuff all of a sudden...it takes time...just ask MS.

Written by Itaintrite on 2007/03/05

"This is the sort of stuff that should have been designed before the PS3 system was released, and then taken advantage of after its launch...similar to the Xbox 360 and the Wii."

Really? Then I guess Microsoft intended 1080p for the 360 all along eh? And they were just bullsh!ting when they said 1080p was not needed. And the rumoured HDMI 360 model hmm...

"Once a system is released, it is most important to use all available resources for software...that is the truth."

If all resources were used to create softwares... we would never get next-gen consoles.
Written by sino on 2007/03/05

What the hell happened?? We got twins!!!
Written by Unbiased Technology Professor on 2007/03/05

Response to Itraintrite:

Microsoft DID intend on having 1080p at the launch of the Xbox 360...but the copyright laws took a LOT longer than expected to put into place, and they were not allowed to include it in a way that allowed people to take advantage of the feature at the time the system was launched.

Once the copyright laws were put into place, which Microsoft knew would happen, they were allowed to activate the 1080p feature in the Xbox 360.

These copyright laws weren't things exclusively for the Xbox 360; they affected ALL areas of HDTV. So, that is why it took so long.

It looks like there are more and more games using 1080p coming out. Lost Planet, Virtua Tennis 3, NBA Street: Homecourt all use 1080p.
Written by Sky on 2007/03/05

@ UTP.. what copyright laws?

and if they wanted 1080p from the get go... why dident they add HDMI at luanch? there 1080p soo crippled plus not many TV's support 1080 thru comp cables compared to HDMI... which in a way limits to selection of TV's one would choose from if they decided to take advantage of the 360's "1080p"

u can say all you want but there is a difference in clarity between an HDMI and componet cable (digital>>analog... check AVS fourms if u doubt me


BY THEY WAY dont ever swagger jack my "nuff said" again... u never started saying that until i did.... J/k :-)
Written by Unbiased Technology Professor on 2007/03/05

Response to Unbiased Tech Doctor:

It is pretty pathetic that there are guys like Sky and Tecno_Geek, and Mr. New York, which are the same person, among others who are the same people with different screen names...they try to act like different people, just to make it seem like the Playstation 3 has a couple of extra fans...but when you go to the trouble of creating a name based on MY NAME, then it is just 100% confirmation that Playstation 3 fanboys on this site are PATHETIC and try to add extra screen names to make it seem like the PS3 has more fans than it actually does have.
Written by Sky on 2007/03/05

second row 1080 = 1080p
Written by Unbiased Technology Professor on 2007/03/05

Response to Unbiased Tech Doctor:

What is truly pathetic is that even with the effort you are putting forth, it still shows that the PS3 has even fewer fans than ever, because of its lack of exclusive software currently available, lack of only features currently available, and high priced people are currently forced to pay for the machine.

It is such a disappointment to see people try to "Copy" my name like that, just because they are a childish Playstation 3 lemming who hasn't seen the light and realized that the Playstation 3 is a joke compared to the PS1 or the PS2...or the Xbox 360 or the Wii.

Buddy, it isn't a coincidence that there are magazines named, "Wii60," which cover the Wii and the Xbox 360...but completely ignore the Playstation 3.

You better believe I am biased against someone who copies my name likes that, just like anyone would be. That is a plagiarization! That is one of the reasons why the Playstation 3 was called the Plagiarization 3rd.

It's like the song says:

SooooNeeee you went wrong....with your PS3...

I'll just keeep playin my three-six-deee...

Hopes this help, you unn-der-stand...

Howw you killed your brand.

But Killzone 1, sucked bee-for...

So what makes you think we want it more?

SooooNeeee you went wrong....with your PS3...

I'll just keeep playin my three-six-deee...

Hopes this help, you unn-der-stand...

Howw you killed your brand.

Unbiased Tech Doctor, tell me what you think of that music video at this web site: h ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R98qC0fd_1w

$1,200 says you stutter for two minutes and then says you have "No comment," just like Phil Harrison, [(LOL)^Infinity]!!!

Unbiased Tech Doctor, I think I am going to go get a tattoo of Assassins Creed on my arm...a cool BIG ONE!!! And I will have it include a note that says, Ubisoft said the Xbox 360 version has better Artificial Intelligence, just like my brain has better intelligence than yours!!!
Written by Sky on 2007/03/05


tell me what you think of that music video at this web site: h ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R98qC0fd_1w

why do u keep spamming that link? do u have to post it in every topic..

stop spamming man...seriously.. i dont wanna see u get banned
Written by Unbiased Technology Professor on 2007/03/05

Response to Sky:

We have talked about the HDMI 1.3 copyright laws in the past. A good "Sony" example is the way that they came out with HDTV sets that could "Display 1080p" but not "Accept 1080p" in the fall of 2005. The reason for that is because they did not have HDMI 1.3 cables that allowed 1080p signals to be transferred like that...the copyright laws that everyone agreed to were not put in place yet.

It isn't a complex thing at all...If you don't understand that, then just search for it on the net and you can read all about it.

Also, Sky, as far as the HDMI vs Component thing goes...I think you need to take a look at this months Game Informer magazine where they compare NBA Street: Homecourt on the Xbox 360 to the one on the Playstation 3. That game runs at 1080p on both systems, and once again the Xbox 360 version has better graphics...and Game Informer even points out that the Xbox 360 version of NBA Street: Homecourt has better graphics in 1080p with the Component cable than it has on the Playstation 3 when the PS3 is using the HDMI cable.


I would like to apologize if I mentioned names that actually are not people who "double-up" with more than one screen name. I think there are a couple people who do that, but apparently I was wrong about Tecno_Geek, because he seems to be very disappointed with the Playstation 3 now. I read his post in the Discussion Forum, and I now recognize I misjudged him. I apologize.

Response to Sky:

There were actually a few people on this site who said they really enjoyed watching the music video on that website. I felt that it would be an excellent time to bring that video up again, because if someone is going to go to all the trouble of making fun of my screen-name, then I felt the least I could do is demonstrate that in life, "You get what you give," which is why I decided to write some of the words from that song on the screen...after all, not everyone has high-speed Internet access.

As you can tell, I don't like it when people steal each other's screen names...that is unprofessional, and it is NOT cool!!!
Written by Sky on 2007/03/05


what does HDMI 1.3 have to do with MS adding a HDMI port in the back of the 360 at launch?... why are you spinning my question

u dont need HDMI 1.3 to play games..
Written by Unbiased Tech Doctor on 2007/03/06

hahhaahahahahhaahahahaha hilarious absolutely hilarous...you certainly made my day UTP...I'm just doing this for fun...I'm new to the site...you really seemed to take it personal...why don't you contradict the points I made? We are here to have some fun discussion but you just completely focused on my name...why is that?

Believe me I'm not a fanboy...I can recognize that the 360 has some great games and it will have many more in the future. I can recognize that MS made a great move by launching a year before since it has helped them gain ground. The merrier for us since that means there'll be more competition which translates into better games :)

I admit that I own a ps3 and not a 360...but I really considered buying a 360...but every generation I always buy only one console and considering I like Insomniac, Naughty Dog and the ICO team so much I decided to go for the ps3. I play the 360 at my neighbor's house ;)
Written by zwandaba on 2007/03/06

You guys need to take a break. Cool it.

The last thing I think Sony wants to do is make every PS3 owner/hardcore gamer a gamerscore whore.

But it would be cool like for every achievment you get a digital man is unlocked. And you can start you own country.
Written by Unbiased Technology Professor on 2007/03/06

Response to Unbiased Tech Doctor:

Rather than professionally debate with someone immature enough to steal my name, I thought it would be fun to just use an anti-matter weapon against you and destroy your dream-galaxy.

So, go run along now and play Virtua Fighter 5 with your neighbor...it is a good thing that your life worked out like that, because with the Playstation 3 you can't save your custom characters to a memory card the way that Virtua Fighter 4 on the Playstation 2 let you...the only way anyone can ever play against your custom guys on the PS3 version of VF5 is if they come to your home and make their own custom characters to play on your system!

So, get outta here, and be ready to hear similar beatings until you quit making fun of my name...come up with a name of your own that doesn't make fun of my name or anybody else's name.
Written by Unbiased Tech Doctor on 2007/03/06

I said my neighbor owns a 360...how will I be able to play VF5 at his house? Maybe in summer when they release the game for his system...are you even reading my posts? I believe you haven't since you haven't addressed any the points I originally exposed.

Tell me if it was wrong for Microsoft to focus on releasing Xbox Live a year after they launched the Xbox...stop talking about tatoos...and galaxy stuff...and by the way I'm a Doctor which is way better than that measly professor title you got at a second rate institute.

Do you really think you are "beating" me by completely ignornin my comments? Are you "beating" me by making up silly songs?

WOW....you are really a Professor, a Professor in IDIOCRACY.

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