
id Software Reveals New Game 'Rage' for PC, Mac, PS3, 360 >
2007/08/04 4:19:03: Posted by DM
The new id Software game that has been rumored around the web for the last week or two has finally been revealed. The game is called Rage, and it was revealed in some detail today by Carmack himself at the QuakeCon festivities. The trailer showed a game set in an outdoor setting, with driving and shooting elements featured prominently. The single player game will apparently have gamers traversing an open world from town to settlement to encampment, all the while evading and fighting off mutants and other monsters, and even the government from time to time. It sounds like your straightfoward run and gun action -- just the sort of thing id is good at. Stick to what you know, we say.

Labeled With  id software rage xbox360 playstation 3 pc mac

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Written by blacktiger on 2007/08/04

beautiful engine !!!
Written by CianMCL on 2007/08/04

everything still looks like plastic
Written by madgunde on 2007/08/04

2 DVDs on every platform EXCEPT the PS3, which will obviously be 1 Blu-Ray disc. Sony's decision to make Blu-Ray standard is starting to pay off. The PC and Mac versions won't be that bad, since it'll install near fully on the hard drive, but the XBox 360 version will most likely require swapping the disc every so often. That sucks.

"While id maintained its typical stance that the title will ship "when it's done," the company did reveal that the PlayStation 3 edition of Rage will arrive on one Blu-ray disc, whereas the other three versions--PC, Mac, Xbox 360--will come on two DVDs with a potential Blu-ray distribution for PC and Mac."

I find it interesting how GamersReports ignores this point in their summary.

Oh, I know why, it's because it would be pro-PS3 and anti-360. :-P
Written by Smarty Pantz on 2007/08/04

Most likely the 360 version will be "2 DVDs + HDD Required" .. where's UTP to defend his RRoD360?
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/04

Man STFU Madgunde. Did they provide a link to the whole story????? Thought so. They talked about the game in the article nothing pro or con towards the 360/PS3. They provided a link so everyone could read about it. Gamersreports did thier job. Cry me a river if this site is so pro-360 LEAVE!!!!! U and your conspiracy theories are just plain tired.

Madgunde and Smarty Pants: Thank you for pointing out that the 360 will need 2 DVD's. Are we that lazy that we cant swap a disc??? Blue-Ray still does not benefit videogames in any way when it comes to performance. Only storage capacity. Oh's No's U FAT A$$ES might have to put down the cheeseburger long enough to get off the couch and swap a disc. I'm sure having 1 disc instead of 2 justify's $200.00-$300.00 more dollars for a console right?????

Oh and Smarty Pants everyone hates when UTP pulls his Copy and Paste Novel skills out and repeatedly posts his pro 360/anti PS3 comments. Yet U sit here and antagonize him. Way to help the situation...
Written by pedro on 2007/08/04

Does anyone know if this engine can take advantage of the PS3s 128 bit pixel precision?
Written by blacktiger on 2007/08/04

guys relax here...

swapping disc insnt that bad, but honest with next generation should've been HDDVD or blue ray disc, but its if a dvd then who cares, this happens ever console, why does it last console has to be a bitch..

anyways... 1 blueray disc is a good news for ps3 since it is 50 gig, i dont see u guys why u should celebrate, isnt that what u already knew, now correect me wrong please, fall out man is a damn ass short game and already its 16 gig, if i see two blue ray disc for a game i do want to remind u what u said before, but really more than one disc isnt bad idea so relax....

this where XBOX 360 HDD bcomes famous first is to install and second is play disc where u never need to touch first disc, so really guys

think again i belive it isnt swap disc beside for the first !!!

AM I WRONG ? (this is why 360 HDD is more famous than PS3 HDD)
Written by madgunde on 2007/08/04


My point is simply that if the story had had a negative point about the PS3, GR would have been sure to point it out, but rarely do they do so for the 360. This story is yet more proof that DVD is inadequate storage for next gen games. If it were adequate, there wouldn't be multi-disc games, especially this soon after the console's launch. I predict 4-5 disc games will be common in 2 years time for the 360 while those same games will still fit on one disc.


That will suck if you have to use up 1/3 of your 360's 20GB hard drive for one game. that's how much it's going to take to store an entire DVD9 disc on the HD so you don't have to swap. The hard drive is already smallish considering all the XBLA and HD TV/movie downloads from XBL. No problem you say? Just go out and buy the 120GB hard drive option? At $180, that puts the 360 at more expensive than the PS3.

So much for all the arguments about not needing a hard drive or HD optical drive on the 360. A year an a half in and customers and developers are already hitting the wall. I knew the PS3 would prove it's value proposition against the 360, just didn't expect it to be so soon.

Those of you with 360's, it's not the end of the world, but just don't even try to badmouth the PS3's value, because it's clear now that Sony's strategy was more forward thinking that Microsoft's and provides better value to the consumer.
Written by sicbud on 2007/08/04

I think its funny because a lot of people will soon realize that sony deciding to go with bluray really wasn't a bad decision. MS is already having problems with games like PGR4 fitting on one DVDR. And if games like MGS4 get ported over to the xbox360 i'm sure they will struggle fitting it on one disc.

anyways, back on topic. This new engine looks very promising, but I to agree that everything has a "plastic" look for it. I am very excited for the game Rage though. For those who didn't know, GameTrailers has an HD trailer of rage. Head over there and watch it now if you haven't already.
Written by blacktiger on 2007/08/04

AND TO BE HONEST WITH U the rason why i said 360 HDD is more famous cause why get blue ray technology, thats so expensive and sell it to a customer who cant afford when u have HDD,

i mean think about, first disc is to install, second disc is to play and u never touch first disc...

this is why blue ray disc is not famous for games or new! cause these day we have Hard Drive,

Sony Fan boyish listen alreayd ithink your ignoring me for reason...

but either way u guys go ahead fight i gave u my point... though ps3 and 360 will suck comparing to PC !!!

Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/04

Madgunde: I see the value in having 1 disc (Blue-Ray) but damn $200.00-$300.00 is not worth it. Be honest with me. The #1 reason Sony put the Blue-Ray drive in the PS3 was to establish Blue-Ray as the high-definition DVD standard. They are using the Playstation brand as a trojan horse for Blue-Ray and making the consumer pay for it. Thats my beef. I already knew the graphics on the PS3 would never live up to Ken Kutaragi's BS 4D hype becuase the PS2 never lived up to his CGI-quality hype either.

Beleive me I will end up getting a PS3 next year, for under $399.00 Till then I refuse to pay for Sony's Blue-Ray agenda. Besides as of right now there is no reason to own a PS3 vs a 360. Now next year should hopefully be a different story. Hopefully by then PS3 will have drops its price in order to compete with the 360 and Wii (Competiton is good), and the PS3 will have killer exclusives that I wont be able to resist. Maybe their online service will have been improved and unified by then too...

But I honestly dont think Microsofts decision to use DVD-9 will hurt it. What will hurt is not having a standard HDD, and the RROD issue. I can only imagine how many more sales they would have right now if they didnt have hardware issues (Although I have been lucky enough to not have experienced this)...

The last thing is this Sony's decision to go with Blue-Ray wasn't bad in the sense that it will accomplish what they wanted which was penetration into the high definition DVD market. It will also help with disc space constaints, how much still has to be determined. Where they F*CKED up was that it makes the console more espensive to manufacture and therefore to purchase. As a result the consumer ended up taking it up the A$$ too. BE real guys Blue-Ray was not needed. Sony should have spent that extra $200.00-$300.00 on putting more RAM (1GB is what developers really wanted), or a faster GPU (The PS3 Nvidia RSX is crap compared to the 360 ATI Xenos), or a more efficient and easier to program for CPU in the box. Ask developers what they really think of Cell especially when the companies are looking at thier bottom lines...
Written by pedro on 2007/08/04

i own a ps3 and dont use it for bluray movies but my wife does and loves it.

i read that the reason sony wanted bluray in their console wasnt only for capacity but for streaming abilitys, bluray is capable of buffering and streaming data to a device unlike current dvd tech that has to search for the info then send it to the device. no game developer has taken advantage of this yet. the other nice thing about bluray is not having to compress any of your data, meaning the cpu doesnt have to work at any uncompression which will result in lower loading times, perhaps remove them completely. i am looking forward to seeing bluray being used but it will be a while off i think.

i dont mind using multiple dvds for games on the 360. i just hope that it doesnt result in making the game cost more. i am unsure how it will work with the rage engine tho which uses huge textures. uncompressing them would be a bitch.
Written by kungfurabbit on 2007/08/05

mmmmmmmm cheeseburger
Written by madgunde on 2007/08/05


C'mon PimpDaddy, the price difference is only $100 vs. the 360 now, $150 once the 360 price drop takes effect, and you get WiFi, BlueTooth, 3x bigger hard drive and rechargeable batteries for that extra expense. So where exactly is this $200-300 premium the Blu-Ray drive supposedly adds to the system? Yeah, Sony wants to establish Blu-Ray, but they did the same thing with DVD, yet nobody out there is saying the PS2 didn't need a DVD drive. The PS3 offers fantastic value for your money, just get over this hatred you have of Blu-Ray. It's an open standard, not Sony proprietary, and it's the better technology of the two competing formats. It's not like it's going to force you to throw out your DVD movies and buy Blu-Ray movies from now on.

I haven't bought a single Blu-Ray movie, yet I still see the value of Blu-Ray as a medium for the games. It saves me hard disk space and means game developers aren't put in the position where they have to make hard decisions about whether to cut content, increase compression or go multi-disc. All three of those options are undesirable.
Written by MiiWiiWiiControl on 2007/08/05

@Pimp W/O hoes, In this Gaming Generation do you expect your games to be longer, stages to be bigger, and extended hours In Campaigns? (not including pointless side missions)? If you answered yes to any of the above then you should agree that Sony did the right thing to include Blu-ray format for space and Hard Drive for storage at almost little to no cost now that the price dropped.

MS messed up with then didn't include a hard drive with their console, If I was them I would of included either a Hard drive or HD-DVD for extra storage but instead MS went with Last-Gen Technology which will come back to bite them come 2 and Half year into the system life cycle, unless they get rid of the core which they don't plan doing.

Now you have a option of Getting the PS3 at $100 less than what it was 1 month and half ago, at a $100 less the 360 (for now until August 8th) which will include Blu-ray player, Free online gaming, plus countless other features and 60GB hard drive as opposed to X360 20GB but really only 13GB useable , plus the ability to browse the web, with out moving from your TV. I suggest pimp when you put your cane down and finish counting your money and Slapping 360 hoes around for RROD problems, Go to local gaming store a pick up a PS3 while its still at a bargaining price. Step into the Real next-gen system and play beyond. (you know you want to)
Written by Smarty Pantz on 2007/08/05

MGS4 is reported to take up an entire BD .. this is with using the game engine for cutscenes. The 360 release would take up at least 6 DVDs.. a bit ridiculous.
Written by blacktiger on 2007/08/05

first of all magnude, the ps3 using one disc isnt big deal, so why would gamersreports.com care? they all are old school where you do switch disc, so i think your just being a sellout to video games industry,

my point is that these hard drive is being used for video games and its so much value to it, im sorry u arguing about hard drive being used 1/3, wait till you see my favourite ps3 HOME, see how much it takes and wait till SINGSTAR COMES OUT , see how much that gonna take, and guess what none of them has anything to do video games !

weird huh ?
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/05

madgunde: I was talking about the launch console price of the PS3. Now is a different story. Once the PS3 is $399.00 I will "Wait Beyond" with the rest of U. I have already stated that numerous times. I do see the value of Blue-Ray once it hits the same price point as what I paid for my 360 premium and my older borther paid for his Sega Saturn $399.00 DVD was already popular when the PS2 launched. Sorry to say this but I already had a DVD player when the PS2 launched. I never once used my PS2 or Xbox for DVD movies. Sony or Microsoft did not establish DVD, the fact that DVD was a huge leap from VHS and the movies were affordable was the reason DVD became so popular. Prove to me that Sony does not get royalties from Blue-Ray. I understand they arent the only corporation that whill gain from this, but bottom line is they profit from Blue-Ray and that is why they used the PS3 as a trojan horse.

MiiWiiWiiControl: Anybody with the name Wii in thier name does not warrant any type of rebuttal. I would rather pay $999.00 for a PS3 or 360 then $250 for a recycled over clocked Gamecube with a new paint job and Magic Wand that U wave around like a fairy. The Wii is the biggest ripoff ever, I hope U like last gen graphics and the only good games are first party games, no online play, and WTF is a Mii??? I would rather use Home...
Written by kungfurabbit on 2007/08/05

this talk about ps3 games taking 25gb and 50gb of space is true. it,s because they aren't compressing any of the games. when they start compressing games their gonna be huge. ok as most of u know oblivion was compressed to 4 or 5 gigs on 360. you all know how huge that game is. now picture a game 10 times the size of oblivion compressed. that would be the size of a 50 gig blu-ray compressed, and that would also be a kick ass game.
Written by Smarty Pantz on 2007/08/05

Blue Dragon = 3 DVD9s... whats going on? Why arent they compressing? ... maybe they are and the game assets and FMV are still huge files.. lol
Written by MiiWiiWiiControl on 2007/08/05

@PimpDaaaaaa- you sheep. You complain about Sony getting royalty money for their format but yet you’re willing to pay for Online gaming $50 annually when in this day and age it comes free everywhere else even on a recycled over clocked game cube with a new paint job.

WTF is a Pimpdaddy that complains about prices? Using that name make you the biggest rip-off to real pimps, you’re in the wrong business man and this is just video games… Have you seen the PR works behind Blu-ray its becoming more and more popular every day. I see Blu-rays on a daily basis. I can’t say the same thing about HD-DVD and that format got a head start coming to market first. No one said that once you get your PS3 you have to watch Blu-ray movie but its there if you want to. If you don’t use it to watch movie, Developers will use for you to ensure that you have lost of reason and a longer time playing a game you like or they’ll use it to put lots of other stuff in it for you enjoyment. You claimed to be a fan of videogames now stop being a cheap/broke pimp and play beyond.
Written by pedro on 2007/08/05

Listen guys, lets all just face facts. The way that game development is heading demonstrates that Microsoft made a mistake when they adopted DVD-9 for the 360. Give it a year and all you 360 fan boys will have just as sore arms as the Wii fan boys from switching back and forth between DVDs. Anyone who argues that simply has no clue! So I expect Krogan to argue.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/05

MiiWiiWiiControl: Did I mention HD-DVD??? I dont give a SH!T who wins. It's pretty much a forgon conclusion that although HD-DVD standalone players still outsell Blue-Ray standalone plyers due to price that Blue-Ray has 80% of all the movies studios support. Therefore based on those facts Blue-Ray will eventually push HD-DVD out of the market. But since it will be years from now before 1080P HDTV's penetrate homes, and Blue-Ray starts to overtake DVD in sames. IT DOESNT MATTER.

MiiWiiWiiControl: I have yet to see a game that was so long and so detailed that U needed a Blue-Ray disc for it. I am sure Blue-Ray's capacity will be needed in the future. But when??? Not now. I can swap a disc at any rate. Remember that multiple DVD's are still cheaper to produce than a Blue-Ray disc, especially a 50GB disc. Look at how much Blue-Ray movies cost vs regular DVD's or VHS... and for the record the only reason I am poor is becuase I am always having to pay for mom to get a cab ride home sucka!!!!!

pedro: Like I said if I have to swap a disc I dont give a F*CK. That is not a system seller to me. LMAO at sore arm from swapping discs. I am pretty sure if a game exceeds the DVD-9 capacity they will design the game in such a way that when U do swap the disc it wont happen often.

Maybe Microsoft could have put HD-DVD or Blue-Ray in thier console, but then what??? They would have lost that years head start. Remember HDMI 1.3 wasnt finalized as a spec till Spring of 2006. The other thing is nobody knew who would win the high definition DVD format war. Hence the HD-DVD add on for the 360 being optional. Microsoft accomplished what it needed to. An established install base. Now 3rd parties cant ignore Microsoft or make the 360 wait for versions os the game because most games are programmed for the 360 first then ported to the PS3. Now 360 owners get the better versions of the game because the 360 has better graphics capabilites and is easier to program for, has a larger install base which means: 3RD Party Support. No more half a$$ed PS2 ports like last generation.
Written by Krogon Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/08/05

Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/05

I think Microsoft's gamble by launching a year early will have more pro's than cons. Pro's being Established install base. Better developer tools leading to more 3rd party developers making games for the 360. Developers are more comfortable with the 360 and it shows in the multiplatform games. Remember all the SH!TTY PS2 ports on the XBOX??? 360 has an established online service, and bigger game library. All these things matter when a consumer goes to purchase a console this holiday season and see's the Microsoft 360 section vs the Sony PS3 section.

Cons being that they have the known hardware issue (RROD) that could have been possibly avoided if they hadnt rushed to be the first to market. The 360 also got a lot of bad PS2 ports with slightly upgraded graphics and some owners had to wait about 6 months into the lifecycle or longer to get really compelling games. Thats why i waited 4 months to buy a 360 after it's launch. They wont be able to really compete with the PS3 in storage capacity or high def movie format. But these 2 things will not kill the 360, just makes the PS3 more attractive.

Bottom line is this the 360 isnt going anywhere. They have too many owners and too much developer support. They will always be cheaper to purchase than a PS3, and as of right now and the foreseeable future XBOX Live will be better than PSN. Seems Sony would rather focus on a Sims ripoff (Home) rather than make PSN easier to access other users online and play games online with. Sony has lost its way, they should just stick to videogames in stead of trying to be a jack of all trades. Whats going to happen this Christmas when the casual gamer goes to the store and see's that the PS3 is the most expensive console and has the least amnount of games???

Krogon Battle Master Urdnot Wrex : Wait in line I am still concieving with MiiWiiWiiControls's mom...
Written by arthur56k on 2007/08/06

damn, nuttsack killed all of you fanbots

@madgunde, wasnt there an article about all 360's being defective on this site, or how MS was trying to cover thier asses by playing it down, think yours is a case of selective amnesia
Written by MiiWiiWiiControl on 2007/08/06

@Pimp- No you did not mention a thing about HD-DVD but its in competition with the Blu-ray, Blu-ray that’s tied to PS3 which is becoming more popular with lots of hit movies, which in turn will have mom and pops buying PS3 this Xmas for little Limp daddy who wants to play video games and themselves to watch High Def movies, More bang for their bucks. In the end the Trojan horse has served it purpose.

You know why you have yet to see a game so detailed that a blu-ray disc is needed for it, that’s because you don’t own a PS3 but you try your best at bashing it. Typical X360 Fanboy. Have you played Resistance Fall of Man ? if you did, which I doubt you would see those huge stages you get to run around, those huge stages takes up lots of space along with other things that have to go on the disc, that wouldn’t typically fit on DVD-9 disc. I’ll give you credit though you are right that not to many games have taken advantage of it yet, But I could guarantee you that most PS3 exclusives will take advantage of it (I see you already agreed with me on this).

No one said the 360 is going anywhere, so please stop it with your insecurities, It’s bad enough that my mom has to come over to show you where the hole is when Krogan is bent over then leaves paid for nothing and a free taxi ride home (now who’s being pimped?)… I will say that with the PS3 packing a three piece punch (game system, Hi-def movie player, now cheaper) this holiday season it has a better chance of reaching 360 sales and surpassing it in its First 2 years out.

About HOME its not out yet how can you judge it? Or is that Krogan reaching over your back to type?

@Arthur56K, Did you get a High Speed internet yet? Didn’t think so. Let me burst your bubble real quick since you’re feeling all cheerful and fairy inside about Pimp’s post, Do you know regardless of what he says about the PS3 he still plans on buying one which any true gamer would do. Next time you say fanbot look around and you’ll see that you’re the only fanbot around here. Besides you won’t benefit from PS3 free online gaming, you don’t even have next internet service yet! So take Pimp’s Hat and put over your mouth and STFU.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2007/08/06

MiiWiiWiiControl: Wow U should come over to the darkside with us 360 lovers. U make a good argument. I like your style. We lost my boy Blue, he seems to have disappeared now its just me and Arthur bringing it :(

I have played Resistance. Yawn... PS3 owners bash the 360 for supposedly being a FPS only console, yet the PS3's crowning achivement to date is what??? Ding Ding Ding a FPS. And what do U get as a prize MiiWiiWii a video of PimpDaddy showing yo Daddy how to please your MOM. For the record if RFOM was compressed wi would have fit on a DVD-9 sucka...

I am sure the PS3 could surpass the 360 if nobody bought a 360 for the next year and PS3 sales continued to trickle in. Maybe 2 years at this pace :p Seriously its that price tag and only that price tag that kills the PS3. By the time the PS3 reaches an acceptable price point the Wii and 360 will be too far ahead in user install base for it to matter. Stand alone Blue-Ray players are already cheaper than the PS3. Most homes havent upgraded to any sort of HDTV let alone the more expensive 1080P HDTV's, and most homes dont go online to play games... So all of Ps3's advantages over the 360 and even Wii for that matter only come into effect with the hardcore Sony fans. Like I said the casual gamer only cares about price and game selection and the 360 beats the PS3 every time. Do U think even 1 casual gamer has purchased either a PS3 or a 360???

The answer would be no. over 10 million hardcare videogame fanatics have purchased a 360. I wonder how may were XBOX lovers and how many were PS2 lovers??? Look at the the PS3, it just barely cracked a million sold in Japan, its already lost Japan to the Wii, and 360 never had a chance. Europe seems to be spreading th love for 3 consoles and the US is prime time 360 territory. I just call it as I see it and hardcore gamers make up maybe 10% of a consoles user install base, and I think many a Ps3 hardcore lover has already "Jumped In" with a 360. 360 is not perfect but it seems to have the best position of all 3 consoles. Its affordable, largest game library, high def graphics, best online service, and has the backing of Microsofts DEEP POCKETS.

Last thing I wont judge "home" anymore. Your right I will just "WAIT BEYOND" with all the other Sony Sausage Smuggling Sheep to see if it adds anything to Sonys lackluster online service...
Written by arthur56k on 2007/08/07

dude i also plan on gettin one, all in good time, price drop has to come to the mark nuttsack points, there is a true gamer for you
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