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Star Ocean 4 To Be PS3 Exclusive >
2007/09/07 9:11:57: Posted by DM
Star Ocean 4, the fouth installment in Square's popular sci fi RPG series, is not going to show at this year's TGS. But, there is big news about the game -- it is going to be a Playstation 3 exclusive. The game was recently revealed in an issue of Famitsu, and it may be that this fourth installment finally brings the world of Star Ocean to the main stream.

Labeled With  star ocean 4 playstation 3 square

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Written by kungfurabbit on 2007/09/07

Sweet should be good.
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/09/07

Next-Gen talks about this in a little bit more detail. They point out that Star Ocean is a franchise that has not been popular in the past...and that is something which is interesting from a business point of view for the following reasons:

(1) Next-Gen confirmed that we know for a fact that none of the Star Ocean games have been popular in the past

(2) It goes without saying that the Playstation 3 has sold the fewest number of consoles Worldwide.

(3) Even in Japan, the Playstation 3 is selling very poorly, and is millions of systems away from the milestone goal that Sony's original Business Plan had hoped for.

(4) We know that when a Third-Party company releases a game as an exclusive for the Xbox 360 and/or Xbox 360 along with the PC, then Microsoft offers various incentives to receive those games as exclusives. This is a major benefit that is responsible for a huge percentage of the Third-party exclusive games on the Xbox 360.

But Sony claims that they don't "Pay for exclusive games." Many analysts have said that the reason for this is because Sony doesn't have the "Liquid Cash," assets to do things like that.

(5) The reason I mention the two facts above is because of the fact that the Playstation 3 is the most expensive game system to make games for, because it is time consuming and usually considered difficult to work with.

Next-Gen made it 100% clear that Star Ocean 4 isn't any sort of game that is going to compete with Final Fantasy in terms of graphics or popularity...and that STRONGLY SUGGESTS that Square Enix would DEFINITELY be interested in reaching the largest sized audience as possible, or else they will not even reach their Breakeven-Point for development costs and operating expenses!!!

Bottom Line: One of two LOGICAL reasons make sense as to why an unpopular game like this would be released exclusively on the least popular game system--the PS3.

(1) Because of Japanese Loyalty...but I don't think this is the reason why. Just look at the way Square Enix turned their back on Nintendo. And Square Enix actually has more Xbox 360 games in development than PS3 games.

(2) Money...from Sony. I think that Sony may have been able to buy an traditionally "unpopular," RPG like this from Square Enix at a low cost, because Sony is in a unique position in terms of finances. Remember, Sony recently decided to sell nearly one-million shares of corporate stock in order to generate "Cash." This was because of the losses associated with Sony Computer Entertainment, due to the poor performance of the Playstation 3. This seems like the most reasonable answer to me.
Written by Fair and Balanced Tech Teacher on 2007/09/07

"Cocaine's a hell of a drug," Isn't it Krogan.
Written by Hand Banana on 2007/09/07

"Confirmed that we know for a fact that none of the Star Ocean games have been popular in the past" is such a rediculous and unfounded statement.

First, you must realize that the first Star Ocean game released in the United States was subjected to poor localization attempts, which did negatively effect some player's experiences. The gameplay, however, was thoroughly praised as innovative and addicting.

Secondly, Star Ocean: Till the End Of Time, became a Sony greatest hits game. In order to become a Greatest Hits, a game must reach a certain level of success which is reflective of "popularity," as you so simplistically put it.

Comparing Star Ocean to Final Fantasy reveals that your knowledge of RPGs is most likely limited to US RPGs, and most likely Oblivion and Fable. I would suggest you don't post a critical analysis of something you do not understand; it only reveals ignorance.

As far as poor console sales in Japan, i wouldn't be suprised if Star Ocean will help sell more consoles, in an RPG-centric region. Similar to the surge of sales with the xbox 360 and Blue Dragon. Although, I suspect such a surge with the Playstation 3 may last longer, as faith in a more consistant delivery of JPRGS is more likely with the Playstation, rather than the 360 (In Japan, at least.)
Written by Game_Demon on 2007/09/07

Star Ocean is an excellent series, with many unique features. I think that SO2 is the best of the series (released originally for SNES then PS1), but I enjoyed SO3 as well. I can say one thing about them. SICK DEPTH for item creation, especially for SO2. Also, real time battles and SICK COMBOS. Look for the 4812 hit combo vid.

UTP keep sucking your Bill's cum flavored lolipop.
Written by Rubix42 on 2007/09/07

SO3 is a great game, and SO4 sounds like it will be like the others, different than the last. Ah well, looks like I will actually buy a PS3 at some point.

Good times. . .
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/09/07

Response to immature Game_Demon:

Next-Gen wrote the article that pointed out that the Star Ocean series is NOT a popular game franchise!!!

All I did was point out those FACTS!!!

Star Ocean is NOT a popular game franchise, and Star Ocean 4 is NOT anything special...that much was said by people other than me...I just AGREE with it!!!
Written by Fair and Balanced Tech Teacher on 2007/09/07

So Next-Gen writing that Star Ocean is not popular is a fact? I happen to remember Star Ocean 3 being a platinum title for the PS2.

You agree with any opinion that disparages or diminishes anything PS3 related.
Written by Fishcake21 on 2007/09/08

Ok so star ocean is not popular (yeah make stuff up again), so who would care about looking back through tons n tons of magazines or reviews about Star ocean series and the playstation franchises just to conjour up this comment? really, why bother since this is all not popular and everyone knows it? Oh yeah stupid shitheads like yourself because its probably a 180 on this, remember why doctors say, deny deny deny!

you and your personality disorder that like to spend time together imagining tea n biscuits or sleep together because you have alot in common and share the same brain

Seriously get a fucking life...
Written by arthur56k on 2007/09/08

was expected to be an exclusive, may be big, but not my kind of game
Written by CianMCL on 2007/09/08

@jrogan it goes without sayin that the M$ paycheck must be really good if you spend all day thrashing the competition. and if this game was announced only for 360 you would be rubbing it in the sony fanboys faces.

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