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Gran Turismo 5: Kazunori Yamauchi Interview >
2007/10/12 11:35:27: Posted by DM
Kikizo spoke with Kazunori Yamauchi, the creator of the GT series, about the upcoming GT5, and how the game is coming along. THey press him hard, asking if this fifth installment of the game can gain back some of the former glory of the series, since the fouth installment was the lowest rated of the series. His answers are interesting, to say the least.

Labeled With  gran turismo 5 scea playstation 3

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Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

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Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/12

Gran Turismo 4 showed that this particular game franchise is headed in the wrong direction. Eventually there is a time when the disease of "sequelitas" occurs, and it is time to stop making sequels, and start making something new. People just aren't excited about this game any more, especially considering that it lacks features that new games in competing series now offer.

I agree, there has just been too much lost glory in this series...plus, it is still such a long ways away--late 2008, perhaps 2009 if there are delays (as there almost always are with PS3 games).

Forza Motorsport 2 is the champion of videogame Racing now; it has received the largest number of Awards, and it is available NOW...and continues to get better each day with newer features available for download.

And the amazing thing is that this Gran Turismo 5 game may not even be competing against Forza Motorsport 2 by the time it is released; it may be competing against Forza Motorsport 3 or an even newer racing game.

Even the developer of Gran Turismo 5 points out that Forza Motorsport 2 has many more features than Gran Turismo 5...that isn't something that the mass market of consumers will be interested in...most people who like Racing games LOVE all of the features that Forza Motorsport 2 offers...and it is a shame that features like that will NOT be offered by Gran Turismo 5.

Also, it is IMPORTANT to keep in mind that Sony is once again trying to deceive people with Gran Turismo 5...Sony often says the game will run at 60 frames per second at 1080p resolution...and they make those statements while showing off the good looking Replay views...However, the FACT is that the Replay mode only runs at 30 frames per second, not 60 frames per second. The Playstation 3 doesn't have the power to display Replay graphics like that at 60fps.
Written by captkey3s on 2007/10/12

GOD!....You live for these post don't you?
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/12

Response to captkey3s:

I learned all about Business Writing and Public Speaking in college.

If you are making a Presentation, and you say, "This game runs at 60 frames per second at 1080p resolution," while you are showing screenshots of "Replay" game footage, then that is a DELIBERATE DECEPTION...a LIE!!!

When you see the actual "in-game" screenshots of Gran-Turismo 5, it obviously doesn't look nearly as good as the "Replay" screen-shots. The reason for that is because the Replay screenshots contain TWICE as many polygons!

In reality, once you see the Replay in motion, you will notice something: The game you had been playing at 60 frames per second is now only at 30 frames per second...and that will be something you notice BIGTIME, since you will have just seen the game at 60 frames per second--albeit with a LOT less polygons.

Inconsist sort of performance like that, especially in the area of Framerates has "Disappointment" written all over it...because the Playstation 3 has the worst reputation of any system in history for poor framerates.
Written by CianMCL on 2007/10/12

were coming to the 1 year anniversary of the delaystaion and things seem to be improving with drakes fortune
Written by captkey3s on 2007/10/12

still doesn't disprove that the fact that once you see the words "Sony" you can't help but start posting your.....er.....well i wouldn't really call it "writing"...but you do post it, i just wonder, imagine all the other things you could be writi....posti...doing whatever you do about.(the iphone, Linux, AOL, Hip-Hop, the war, late night TV, sunshine, socks, etc.....tons of stuff)

Just a thought.

that's to UT....i mean Krogan
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/12

I think you mean Urdnot Wrex...the name of the character in Mass Effect that I named myself after is Urdnot Wrex...his race is "Krogan" and his title is "Battle Master" as a mercenary.
Written by plonk420 on 2007/10/12

oh god, not the replays running at 30fps! soooooo disappointing! :'(

Written by arthur56k on 2007/10/13

this guy hjas to start revealing more info on the game, the mystery part is killing me, i need to know how good the damage will be if there will be any, there have been conflicting reports
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/13

Response to arthur56k:

I agree with you 100%

You are correct when you say that there have been "Conflicting Reports" about the damage that may or may not be in Gran Turismo 5...the way that this developer dodged the question is an excellent indicator that the previous report about no damage being in the game is true.
Written by MAKAVELI_ on 2007/10/13

Krogan is an A.I 8g.F.p MS computer program!!!!!

SooOOOooooOOO Disappointing!

* Gaming forums poster.
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2007/10/14

Urdnot Wrex is actually a character in Mass Effect.

He is a bounty hunter mercenary...he is as TOUGH as anyone out there!!!

But deep down he is respectable, and he only wants what is his!
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