
Criterion Addresses Burnout Online HDD Issue In Open Letter >
2008/02/05 9:54:56: Posted by DM
As we told you a few days back, if you want to play Burnout Paradise online on the XBox360, you need an HDD. Well, this upset many a gamer, of course. Criterion has addressed the issue in an open letter on their website. The letter basically says that the dream of an expandable "open world" would not have been possible if they catered to the "lowest common denominator" or storage, the memory card. Time to upgrade, folks.

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Burnout Paradise

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Written by dudeman on 2008/02/05

time to buy an overpriced proprietary hard drive from MS folks.
Written by incoming00 on 2008/02/05

regarding the small percentage of core users, i hope things like this dont keep happening. one way MS can fix this problem, remove the core console completely.
Written by The Limey on 2008/02/05

The only reason that this game uses a hard drive is because it was programed for the PS3 which had a standard hard drive. This is lazy programming and not wishing to invest in the limited ammount of 360 Core owners. I believe that Test Drive didn't need a hard drive and seemed to have good load times and a huge enviroment.
Written by kidkit on 2008/02/05

why the hell does MS price the stand alone hard drive so steeply... Do they not want XBLA and XBVM sales? It really doesn't make sense to me. Especially in Canada, the 20G in the states is on amazon.com for $90. In canada, it's on amazon.ca for $130!. The currencies are still about equal.... and there is a 40 dollar price gap?

Hopefully the next Consoles have a standard Solid State Drive Built in, and an attachable / replaceable Storage ONLY hard drive. :)
Written by zwandaba on 2008/02/05

'"open world" would not have been possible if they catered to the "lowest common denominator" or storage, the memory card'

that bull. They're other open world multiplayer games that don't need a HDD. Like Limey said, Test Drive.

Why M$ decided to sell the 360 without a HDD when the original one had one already instilled is a wonder.

Criterion, just say you wanted money or something like that.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/02/05

I think Microsoft did the multiple SKU's to match up with how they do XP and Vista. Offereing a plain vanilla version for cheaper with basic core functionality, then charging a premium price for the deluxe version. They figured all core owners would eventually buy a HDD and they would still make the same amount of money for the upgrade down the road...

That to me was 10 times worse than not putting in an internal HD-DVD drive.

As much as I rag on the PS3, at least you do get everything in 1 box. Blu-Ray and HDD are standard. Same with Wifi unless you were stupid enough to buy the 20GB gimped version. Microsoft better drop that price soon, because Sony's 40GB PS3 is coming on strong...
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2008/02/06

(1) dudeman is 100% correct that Microsoft charges WAAAAAAAY too much money for their Hard Drive add on devices...both the 20GB and 120GB are WAAAAY too expensive.

(2) The developers at Criterion are telling the truth when they say that the 256MB Memory Card would not have provided enough memory to meet the "Lowest Common Denominator."

HOWEVER, there would NOT have been a REQUIREMENT for a "Lowest Common Denominator" like that if the Xbox 360 would have been the Lead Development Platform!!!

The only reason that such a Memory Requirement existed is because the Playstation 3 was the Lead Development Platform for this particular game. This is one of the main reasons why the Xbox 360 is almost always selected as the Lead Development platform. That way, there are no "Requirements" for memory devices such as Memory Cards or Hard Drives.

I know several people who have the Xbox 360 Arcade system, and they would have been interested in purchasing Burnout Paradise...IF it would have been able to play games online. But, they don't have a hard drive, so that means they can't play online, and that is why they are NOT buying that game...and since my friends can't play it, that is why I am NOT going to buy it, even though I do have a hard drive.
Written by WithoutPrejudiceGamer on 2008/02/06

XBOX360 = Lowest common denominator when developing for multiple consoles.

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