
MS In Talks With Sony For BluRay Xbox360 Support >
2008/03/06 13:50:09: Posted by DM
According to FT, Sony is in talks with rival console maker MS about offering a Blu-Ray drive for the Xbox360, according to a senior executive. Of course a Blu-Ray drive inside the Xbox360 would make it more competitive movie wise, but then again it would provide profits to the Sony Blu-Ray division.

Labeled With  xbox360 blu-ray sony

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Written by MASTERJ0J0 on 2008/03/06

lol who didnt see this coming..it sure is gonna be interesting
Written by blacktiger on 2008/03/06

hahahahhahah !!!!

thts even more funnier than anything, I'v ever seen in gaming industry news !

now lets see what xbox fan boys have to say !

Let me guess I am Kroganato !

thats what the loosers will say to make them look good... :P
Written by SupremeChaotic on 2008/03/06

What's so interesting about it? Sony had to negotiate with MS to obtain operating system information for Windows platforms to make the PS3 able to connect to Windows based media servers. Stuff like this happens all the time.

We all knew after Toshiba made their announcement that Microsoft would soon adopt Blu-Ray. Hell, I can remember several months back when MS reps even stated that they were open to the idea of using Blu-Ray should the format succeed.

In a way, I see this as MS's ability to allow consumers a wide variety of options. I mean, after all, not only can you watch standard DVDs, but HD DVDs as well (should you choose to do so), download on demand movies and tv shows (should you choose to do so) and soon offer Blu-Ray (should you choose to do so). PS3 only offers the ability to do 2 of those right now...
Written by The Ow In Wow8 on 2008/03/06

i agree with SupremeChaotic, this isn't that interesting. Yeah i guess it could be funny, but sony will talk to MS and MS will talk to sony...no big deal.
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2008/03/06

I'm a X360 fan, not to be confused with a MS Fanboy. But MS stated back in 05 that if Blu-ray wins, the 360 would be flexible enough to add on a Blu-ray drive. So yeah this news is not surprising at all.

Blacktiger, What a dumbass your are, please take it as a compliments please, its my pleasure. Gamers or Hardcore Gamers that keep up with all gaming news would

know this. Have you notice you are the only one Laughing?
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2008/03/06

Response to blacktiger:

um...okay...I will respond to what you had to say.

First, I would like to confirm what my good friend B1ueBurneR said:

This is NOT a big deal, because Microsoft said such a long time ago that they would be willing to support Blu-ray if it was "the winner" of the format war. And sure enough, it didn't take long for Microsoft to show that they were telling the truth.

Second, normally I am not an arrogant guy blacktiger. I only end up deliberately being arrogant when someone tries to upset me. So, I take pride in pointing out that I had said this would happen several times in the past. I pointed out the following things:

(1) Microsoft will release a Blu-ray add-on hardware unit similar to the HD-DVD add-on unit. And the Blu-ray hardware is capapble of displaying video at the pefect movie framerate of exactly 24 frames per second, just like the HD-DVD add-on unit.

(2) Microsoft will release a new version of the Xbox 360 that includes a built in Blu-ray drive. This unit will also output video at exactly 24 frames per second.

This is important, because the Playstation 3 hardware is NOT capable of displaying Blu-ray video at the perfect framerate of 24 frames per second. The PS3 hardware outputs video at 60 frames per second, which is NOT as good as 24 frames per second when watching movies, becuase the movies were filmed at 24 frames per second. Blu-ray movies watched on the PS3 rely on a software modification that simulates 3:2 pulldown technology, but still leaves "juddery" video problems.

(3) The FACT that the Xbox 360 hardware will be a superior Blu-ray player will be a MAJOR factor among people who are buying the systems because of an interest in Blu-ray movies...this will have a HUGE impact in Japan, where many of the PS3 sales are a result of people simply buying a low-priced Blu-ray player. Now, those people will buy an Xbox 360 instead.

(4) Microsoft will be making some BIG price adjustments in Europe this week, particularly with the Arcade system. It will end up being priced lower than the Wii, which is the ENTIRE reason WHY Microsoft decided not to include a hard drive with that version of the system. That is a HUGE advantage over the PS3 in markets where people did not own the original Xbox and where high-speed Internet is not available.
Written by Cryos on 2008/03/06

The only thing that makes this interesting is that MS will be giving money to sony, which helps sony's bottom line.


I find your comments sooo out of line with reality that i actually feel bad for you.

If you are going to point out *supposed* frame rate differences between blu-ray on the PS3 and the 360 (which, btw, isn't even out yet, so you truthfully have NO idea) please provide source material.

Also, I find it very funny that you think

1. MS will reduce their price BELOW the wii, which won't happen yet

2. That the Arcade model will compete with the wii for casual gamers, when even the wii has a HDD standard (it's not big, but it's there) and the ability to store onto SD cards, which is MUCH cheaper than the add-on HDD for the 360

3. Having high speed internet has NOTHING to do with a HDD being in the system
Written by Game_Demon on 2008/03/06

More lies and misinformation from the notorious professor of propaganda. In other news the sky is blue, I guess.

PS3 supports 24Hz playback for Blu-ray since the 1.8 firmware update, look it up. However not all HDTVs support that frequency, especially the older ones so if you're buying one, be careful. Treespeech has a good guide: hxxp://threespeech.com/blog/?p=917

In XMB you'll find the option in the BD/DVD Settings menu as "BD 1080p 24 Hz Output (HDMI)".

Everyone knows that the PS3 is the best Blu-ray player to date. Also the 360 is a pathetic HD-DVD (and DVD) player. The Blu-ray add-on is not an option if you are striving for quality.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/06

blacktiger: What is a "looser"????? The only thing that is looser around here belongs to the person who tucks you into bed at night. You can thank me for that.

If you think this is the funniest thing you have ever heard, then you truly are a child as I suspect. Blu-Ray has absolutely nothing to do with videogames other than being a storage medium. Microsoft is offereing this as an option to 360 owners. I wouldn't buy the add-on for obvious reasons that Game_Demon stated.

You want to know what is funny though. Sega making games for Nintendo. If you has asked me 20 years ago I would have laughed. Heck even 10 years ago it would have seemed impossible.

For the last time. Learn how to use spell checker and take some English classes. Maybe a typing class. Your comments make the US school system look like a failure.
Written by blacktiger on 2008/03/06

nono sorry to confuse guys, look in general MS was protecting themself by saying "IF" BLUE RAY WINS THEY WOULD GO WITH THEM, but they wish HD DVD would win, but we all know the result !

now see ppl wana do flame, forget it...

and go to gamepro where it says MS is begging Sony for Blue ray, apparently Sony has more power of decision.

Which i didnt know...

OH AND TO PIMPDADDY WHO CANT get girls, is always taking his time at his keyboard, which ppl can't do that cause they don't got time,

Sorry PIMPY, can't do it liek, in fact im on a laptop where keyboard isn;t layed out as good as desktop, NERD !

get a girlfriend and then call yourself PIMPY !
Written by jb33 on 2008/03/06

I laugh when people respond to Blacktigers comments. I never can understand what the hell he's saying. I thought it was just me sometimes and just left it alone because i'm a shaky typer myself....LOL. Sometimes i think he's trying to be cocky but who knows...LOL.

@Pimpdaddy.... Bluray is just a storage medium but having more space will never hinder a game in the way that DVD-9 sometimes can. I guarantee DVD-9 WILL show it's age before the end of this gen. It already has if you listen to "Rockstar".... They said GTA was being held up by the 360's DVD-9 format and that kinda sucks. I guess they could of had duel discs and made you switch em at a bridge or something...LOL. Who wants to do that though ? Games like GTA prove that it's not always possible to have duel disks on multiplatform games.

Bluray reads slower but the PS3's all have hard drives as a standard so that makes up for the slower read speeds with a install if necessary. Don't get me wrong though... Bluray is NOT necessarily a must to make games on right now and the 360 proves that. Bluray just makes the PS3 more "Futureproof" than any of the other consoles out right now. Pimpdaddy...I know you say "Nothing is futureproof" And i agree but the PS3 is the most "futureproof" console available this gen.

We know for a fact that nothing in consoles this gen will top Bluray as a storage medium for games. People can now buy the PS3 knowing that is comes with the best storage format available until Xbox at least Xbox 3/PS4. Even if M$ releases a Bluray player for the 360 you won't be able to play games off of it. Xbots will claim Bluray is unneeded for games but it surely doesn't hurt. More space equals more room for game data and more space can never hurt a game.

Is Bluray necessary ? Probably not but it can make games longer and better and that will always be a good thing. The 360 will probably always be my system of choice though.... Simply because of the "Controller" and "Achievements". Any multiplatform game will be bought for the 360 because of them 2 reasons.

P.S...Blacktiger...Your playing with fire...LOL. Keep sparking that mouth and things will explode.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/06

blacktiger: I was getting girls before your were born son. I have nothing to prove to you. I earned my nickname. There are people who know me personally on this site. They will tell you I am married and have kids.

So you know it's my job to be infront of a KB and mouse all day. I am a Computer Consultant. I have my own business, and this is what I do all day.

Whats your excuse?????

Oh and before you come back with that rabble that nobody can comprehend. Try coming out of the closet. After you do that. Leave your moms basement. Your either really uneducated or seriously need to invest in some typing tutor.

Last but not least BlackHead. Microsoft doesn't need Blu-Ray. DVD-9 is fine. They will continue to sell consoles regardless of how Blu-Ray does. It's in Sony's best interest to have Microsoft sell a Blu-Ray add-on. Sony is the one trying to establish Blu-Ray as a replacement of DVD. They need all the help they can get.

Stop being such a Sony tool. You dont even own a PS3 yet you defnd the PS3 like it was your gay lover. How old are you son. I need to know. I gotta make sure your not one of my illegitemate children. Seriously you dont even own these consoles. Means you cant afford it. Means you some stupid little boy. Makes sense now. Isn't there an age requirement for this site?????

Oh and keep insulting me and maybe I will pay your mom a visit. My other nickname is Milf Magnet. Dont make mr prove it. OWNED!!!!!

jb33: Well done. You make good points. I dont disagree at all. FYI I don't hate the PS3. In fact I did own one for a month. Traded it in because PSN blows, and at the time Warhawk was the only decent game that I couldnt get on the 360. I will buy a PS3 again this year. I dont mind Blu-Ray for space. It just pissed me off that Sony forced Blu-Ray on everyone when it launched at $600.00

You and I both know that if the 360 and Wii were not outcompeting the PS3 that it would still be $600.00

Sony had to drop the price to be competitive because people weren't willing to spend $500.00 - $600.00 on a videogame console.

Also I agree with your reason why you prefer the 360. I love the controller and LIVE. However I did buy my Samsung 1080P LCD HDTV last year with the PS3 and Blu-Ray in mind. Even though I thought HD-DVD was the superior format, I knew Blu-Ray would win. More studio support/larger install base means victory.
Written by kungfurabbit on 2008/03/06

Why is everybody fighting over what we knew would happen? Sony is gonna push microsoft into this mainly for money. In a way their helping, cause dvd 9 is going bye -bye. Think about it, you try fitting the next elder scrolls or gta5 on a dvd 9. It won't happen ms needs blue ray to have a gaming future. And personally i don't give a flying FORNAFACATION UNDER CONSENT OF THE KING.
Written by jb33 on 2008/03/07

kungfurabbit....M$ doesn't NEED Bluray on and their console this generation and game sales/Dev support proves that fact. Even if M$ does release a Bluray "Standalone Player" it's HIGHLY unlikely they will allow games to be developed for it.

M$ doesn't care about movies and trying to be the next "DVD" like Sony does. M$ cares about games and they could very easily develop their own disk format next gen similar to UMD/Bluray to accommodate gaming needs.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/07

kungfurabbit: Who's fighting. We had Sony Sausage Smuggler Supreme BlackTiger call out MS fanboys because he creamed his panties at the news that MS might be making a Blu-Ray add on. MS doesn't need Blu-Ray. Sony needs Blu-Ray. They paid a terrible price to get Blu-Ray into every PS3. Including delaying the PS3, overpricing it at launch, and giving Microsoft a head start. Now game developers have more experience and preference with working on the 360 than the PS3, and The Wii just snuck right in and rocked the videogame world. Believe me Sony needs Microsoft to adopt Blu-Ray, not the other way around.
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2008/03/07

Anyone on this site can to hXXp://www.microsoft.com/windows/shop/specialoffers.mspx?cpc_ref=CPCHome

and Refresh your page, you'll see over and over again Sony products comes on. oh yeah its a Windows.com site.
Written by blacktiger on 2008/03/07

good one B1ue

but i gota tell PIMPY is funny...

and about Sega making game for nintendo isn't suprise the fact that they went from first party third party, unlike M$, while they are winning they needed to go otherside to win the console war which i find it really not making sense comparing to Sega but yea i know what u gonna say, ITS BUSINESS :p

wow jb33 has a huge point, damn next time i'll take my time like u guys and sit there and do nothing :P

sorry boys to disappoint you


im joking, seriously u guys deserve better, because the fact tht u guys at least play console games, in my days i try to stay as a gamer, but even then i dont' i just follow news na dyes i do play but very little...

Anywaysboys apologize to Pimpdady and Krogan !


dont feel sad i ain't going anywhere :p

im still here gonna fool around..
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/07

blacktiger: Dont apologize. I could care less what you say. Your an internet connection, a KB, and mouse away from me, so even if I did care there is nothing I could do about it. Besides I love it when somebody personally insults me, gives me that edge. Makes me want to lay the smack down like only I can. Well I give B1ue props too, dude can seriously dish it out too.

YEs I am trying to be funny. No I'm not trying very hard because of the rules of this site. And yes I really do make Milf Hunter Porn look weak compared to my track record with the MILFS :p Why do you think I throw the mom insults out there. Because MOMS love them some PimpDaddy!!!!!
Written by incoming00 on 2008/03/07

i'm so glad i stayed out of this one :D
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2008/03/07

PimpD, you already know I'm in the Porn business, maybe I can book you for 1 of our Milf sites.

Blacktiger, all in all I do this to get my point across don't take me to serious with what I say or personal. Krogan had to learn that the hard way.
Written by arthur56k on 2008/03/07

got real ugly and some were owned im with you on that incoming
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/07

arthur56k: Who got owned??? I've seen and done worse :p Sorry if it got ugly. Somebody had to set the Blu-Ray record straight.

incoming00: Sorry bro. BlackTiger needed to get pimp slapped. I decided to pour the baby powder today. Pimp hand is strong. I hope if anything it was entertaining.

B1ueBurner: That sounds Milftastic bro.
Written by blacktiger on 2008/03/07

sorry PIMPPY! I'm not gay, NEXT TIME, or you can go to gay club, im sure u can find a lot !
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/07

blacktiger: Hey it's cool. Live in denial. Remember admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. As for me I have no problem going to a gay club. I have met some cool lesbians in the past. You see lesbians dont mind sharing thier meat. All you straight guys with the exception of BlackTiger should try it some time. Easiest way to have a 3-some or get an orgy started.

That was a free consultation fellas. Next time I will have to charge for my services :p
Written by blah on 2008/03/07

Its funny how people still pull shit out of their ass on this site shit like "360's Blu-Ray will be the best thing ever in the universe because it can do 24 frames per sec. omgbbqblahblah. Yet little do i know ps3 can do that too becuz of a fw update that came out a long time ago." Casuals aren't going to look at shit like "juddery video problems", which honestly i barely seem to notice when im watching my BD movies as it looks great in HD anyways. The "juttery"-ness is not going to be huge factor in sales, stop making a big deal out of it. I'm sorry but if you're going to make assumptions, back it up with some hard ass evidence. Back it up with a poll or something showing that a juttery frame will decide a sale between 360 and PS3. You're writing checks that your ass can't cash. It is annoying, and totally ruins the definition of the word "comment." It says "submit your own comment" folks, not "submit your fanboy argument thats completely bullshit."

All the people, including myself, believed Blu-Ray would eventually lose to HD-DVD. HD-DVD had quality advantage and also have Toshiba, sucessful in securing DVD, as company that the format belongs, too. I also did support the fact Blu-Ray might put up a fight since its going to be forced onto consumers through the PS3. Blu-Ray wins, now what happens?

Now all the people on this site that I've seen a year ago that said "HD-DVD will win the format war and Sony will die a horrible death!", turn to damage control and say the 360 is going to be the best blu-ray player on the market? Get the fuck over yourselves, stop trying to spread bullshit into the heads of others and grow up. The only facts we got now is that Blu-Ray is coming to 360, being provided by Sony! Even if 360 Blu-Ray is going to kill PS3's blu-ray, who are the real winners in this stupid console war? Sony. Why? Because they are the ones who are going to make the Blu-Ray on the 360 good! It's their fucking format for crying outloud! Its up to them whether to give them quality...or just give them an add-on to shut them up. Either way, they are making money, which is what really counts in this console war, not a fanboy's wet dream about console glory. Many of you people months ago were all like, "TEH GAMEZ WILL DECIDE TEH WAR!1!1." Why is this such a big deal now? Weird aye?

So everyone that is a showing their inner fanboy, please cut the bullshit. The only reason why I stopped coming to this site was because of all the trolling fanboys that go into articles and say "OMG MS IZ SHIT!1! SONY TEH WINNARZ" because that sparks stuff like "OMG NOWAI! 360 BLU-RAY IZ GUNNA WIN CUZ MS IZ AUTOMATICALLY LIKE DAT!1" and we can't even have a decent conversation about whats to come in the future in regards to blu-ray being on both the 360 and PS3. This should be a benefit to us as console holders, not used in childish arguments. Because now we can use Blu-Ray as a standard and not have to decide which storage medium to use and hoping for that format to win.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/07

blah: I only saw 1 guy on here trying to say Blu-Ray would look better on the 360 than the PS3. That was Krogan. Then Game_Demon decide to defend the PS3.

I'm not sure what your talking about. Most of the little kids that used to come here and say "OMG TEH PS3 RULEZ TEH 360" are gone from this site.

You should stick around. Honestly I thought HD-DVD was the superior format. I did my research. But I also thought if the PS3 was successful that Blu-Ray would win. It's one of the biggest reasons I was ragging on the PS3 and the fact it was $600.00 at launch.

It seems we are stuck with Blu-Ray now, so we just have to make the best of it. My HDTV is capable of 24fps playback. When I owned my PS3 I didnt notice the difference when I changed the settings. So your right. I didnt notice the juddery video problems people speak of. It's kind of like how Blu-Ray supporters compared audio between the 2 formats. Like anybody could afford the equipment to listen to the movies the way they need to be listened to. I think people go and read something, think they are experts, then go around spreading FUD to confues everyone else.

None of us is an expert. Bottom line is the format with the most support won. The format with better features lost. Thanks to all the blind lemmings that follow Sony's every word like it's the law. These people are what I like to call Sony Sausage Smugglers. If tey had half a brain and could think outside the box maybe HD-DVD would have won. Oh well. This is all sour grapes now. I could care less about a Blu-Ray add on for the 360. I am getting a PS3 this christmas...

blah: Seriously stick around. We can have decent debates about the games. There is only a few fanboys on this site anymore. As soon as they get out of hand, they get jumped on anyways.
Written by kungfurabbit on 2008/03/07

Alot of people on this site think in terms of a hardcore tech jocky. The common folk are gonna think, hey i know that brand name, i've had other products from them and they worked fine. So people buy the one their most familar with. In terms of tv's, dvd's ,hd formats alot of people will choose sony.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/07

kungfurabbit: Hey I agree Sony is "THE" brand name in electronics. But if half these people had a brain they would realize they could buy the same or better product from a competitor for less money.

I went and compared LCD HDTV's and the Samsung had a better picture, was $100.00 cheaper with an additional HDMI port than the Sony equivalent model.

Which is my point about the videogames. People buy the PS3 expecting it to blow the 360 out of the water with 4D 1080P graphics. But the truth of the matter is they are getting the same graphics as the 360 with a Blu-Ray player for more money.

Ever been to an electronics store and looked at the display info. Sony products always lists all these features that it has compared to other products. But if people had half a clue they would see it's alot of marketing hype and BS. Heck my wife almost fell for it till she compared the picture between Samsung and Sony. I laughed at her for almost falling into Sony's hype game.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like Sony makes crap products. But they lie out of thier ass when they try to sell it to you. Thats my beef with Sony. Oh and they killed my Dreamcast. Those f*ckers!!!!!
Written by blacktiger on 2008/03/07

hey we aint talking about lesbian, every male loves lesbian thats an instinct, now if u were talking about transexual, then im out LOL

and you proved by naming yourself PIMMPY

damn, i was right u always at the computer eh !

well u need a real girl and im not talking about your hand :p

B1ue i'll shut up for this website sake...

PIMPY is just acting dumb already !
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/07

blacktiger: You should have shut up before you ever joined this site. Nobody ever understands a damn thing you say. Your mad because whatever you say to me I can twist back in your face.

You tell me to go to a gay bar, and I say sweet no problem, I will just pick up a few lesbians. You tell me to get a girlfriend, I tell you I got a wife and kids. You tell me I need to get a life and not be in front of a computer all day. But thats my job, I make money doing this. Plus you look like the bigger loser for calling me out for being on the computer, yet here you are doign the same thing your accusing me of.

Just give up already son. No matter what you say I will own you. For everybodys sake you should shut up.
Written by blacktiger on 2008/03/07

what are u 5 ?

look if u say your an adult why dont we shut the fuck up and leets leave it, its liek u got plenty of hours to argue,

nice kid but once u get old, argument won;t help, trust me !
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/07

blacktiger: LMFAO. You cant hang. You opened up a big can of worms. Should have just kept your mouth shut. Call me out, get destroyed, then try to play Rodney King with your "Can't we all just get along". Your the dumba$$ that keeps personally attacking people on this site.

Here's some advice. You can STFU and let me have the last word, or continue to get owned. Your choice.
Written by The Limey on 2008/03/07

Once again another post spoiled by f*&K*&g fanboys...

Back the original post, from a business model, it really didn't matter who won the format war, MS needs to pay Sony for Bluray in the same way that they paid Toshiba for HDDVD. MS makes money from games not movies, so it is a feature and nothing more, but for Sony it is the only thing that at the moment justifies selling the machine at a loss.

MS needs the cheapest stowage medium available, hence they use DVD, I have yet to see a game on my PS3 that that doesn't validate MS choice of Media.

If you are interested in games then you should not a care about this issue. If you want a movie player head to another website.

Written by arthur56k on 2008/03/08

damn, pimpD, on the rampage...............................take cover, take cover
Written by blacktiger on 2008/03/08

yup kiddy can never shutup they got a whole of time :p
Written by blah on 2008/03/08

See what I mean guys? We can't have a decent discussion with all this gayness going on. Why can't there be mods that are disciplined enough to ban people that start shit, i.e. blacktiger.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/09

blah: Sorry bro. That guy just doesn't know when to shut up. He is making Krogan look like an Angel. I wouldn't have kept after that guy but he and I have a history. He has personally attacked me several times, and loves to start flame wars.

Anybody that knows me on this site, knows I'm usually not the type to start shit. But man if you start it with me, I'm gonna finish it.
Written by Cryos on 2008/03/09

if they're gonna ban people, they should start with Krogan doing his copy and paste FUD.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/03/09

Blah: I think the admins are going to step in soon. Just be careful what you say to that dude that keeps starting shit. I mean you dont want him giving you some gay nickname like Krogan: KROGANATO. Or PimpDaddy: PIMPY. Heaven forbid he did that. I mean once he started calling me PIMPY I just about cried and quit this website...

Oh the horror, the pain, the anguish :p

Blah: Don't leave. I need more people to actually have intelligent conversations about games with. Rather than leave this site, we should try to make it better. If it means me shutting my mouth and avoiding flame wars, my ears are open to suggestion.
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