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Kojima Wishes People Would Stop Asking About MGS4 On 360 >
2008/08/26 11:00:19: Posted by DM
MGS creator Hideo Kojima told Eurogamer in an interview that he looks foward to a day when he will stop being asked if MGS4 is going to grace the Xbox360 with its presence. It seems there are some Metal Gear projects still in the works, but the way Kojima talks about MGS4, it doesnt sound likely for a 360 edition.

"I've been doing a lot of interviews and stage shows, and half the questions are like 'Will MGS4 be coming out on 360 or other formats?', and in the near future I hope they'll ask me about Metal Gear, about us, about our future projects, and will stop caring about the hardware," Kojima told Eurogamer in an interview published today.

Labeled With  metal gear solid 4 playstation 3 konami

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Written by Sky on 2008/08/26

that's right! he needs blu ray !
Written by blacktiger on 2008/08/26

Unless MS doesn't mind for 5-7 dual layer disc...

then maybe it's still possible...
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2008/08/26

F@gTiger, it will take about 5-7 dual layer disc of educational programs for you to learn English Grammar.

I don't see the big deal in MGS4, Its a good game, can we move on?
Written by dudeman on 2008/08/26

confirmed never coming to 360. end of story.
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2008/08/26

Mangina-Dude I wish and hope its the end of the story. and your B!tch @$$ need to go ahead and purchase live Gold.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/08/26

Sorry SDF above me. I read the whole interview. It doesn't say he needs Blu-Ray, or even how many DVD-9 discs he would need.

He just says it would be difficult to do the port due to the game being optimized for the PS3's hardware.

Nothing was confirmed. Kojima is the producer of the game. Come back to me when the CEO of Konami claim's they won't port this game...

Honestly who care's about this game anymore anyways? It had it's 10 seconds of fame. It's a rental at best. Where's the replay value? From everything I have read MGO is broken.

Besides I prefer to play games, not watch them :p
Written by QuestimElite on 2008/08/26

Anybody know how much Blu-Ray space MGS4 takes up?
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2008/08/26

PimpDaddy is 100% correct.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is a game that took only one month to drop all the way down to #34 in the sales charts.


Guys...I'm trying to keep the posts much shorter. Is this better?
Written by dudeman on 2008/08/26

Pimp this is confirmation enough for everyone i think.

B1ue i'll be gold this week.
Written by Krogan Battle Master Urdnot Wrex on 2008/08/26


dudeman "may" be right on this one...

After all, "confirmation" like this was used for games like Final Fantasy 13, Devil May Cry 4, Unreal Tournament 3, Virtua Fighter 5, ect...

All of which ended up on the Xbox 360.



Metal Gear Solid 4 may not sell well if it was released on Xbox 360 or PC.

MGS4 has already dropped to #34 in the sales rankings in just one months time.

There is no point in porting a game that only managed to be popular for 1 month.
Written by dudeman on 2008/08/26

There you go 'ranting' again.

stop it.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/08/26

Krogan your posts are shorter. But the content is the same recycled stuff you have been using from the past.

I have no issue with you participating in the discussions on Gamers Reports. But the reason people complain to the mods, and then start attacking you is because of the content in your comments.

Take this for an example. I could easily comment on this thread by saying.


1.) MSG4 is old news. Move Along.

2.) 360 owners don't care about MGS4. They have enough games already.

3.) There's a game called MGS4? I though it was a movie.

4.) 360 owners don't wan't sloppy seconds.


1.) MGS4 isn't possible on the 360 thanks to the supercomputer power of the Cell and Blu-Ray.

2.) Microsoft didn't pay for it, so they cant have it.

3.) 360 owners only like fps.

4.) MGS series has always been on the Playstation. Thats where it belongs.

See how I was able to make my point and not have it be the same recycled copied and pasted comments that you make? The things I say can annoy people becuase they may disagree. The things you post annoy people becuase they have already heard it from you before.
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2008/08/26

@Dorkgan Can you tell the future like Ms Cleo? Or do you randomly pick dingle berries out of your @ss and call them prediction to later on label them facts.

Written by Kenny K on 2008/08/26

Wow, can you guys look at things logically for once? There are no major issues with hardware, he tries to explain how he wants us to step away from hardware so much and look at you guys bickering like a bunch of women on the rag.

Yes it would be difficult to port MGS4 to the 360, but it has little to do with blu-ray, it's all in the engine. Take an engine built from the ground up for either console and ask about issues with porting said engine and you would get the same response.

It just sounds like Kojima is done with MGS at the moment and wants to move on to something else. I want me some Zone of Enders and I'll be able to play MGS4 when I get my ps3, so I hope he's done with MGS right now.
Written by VaeVictus on 2008/08/26

Final Fantasy 10 is exclusive to Playstation 2. Take that!

Oh wait, old news? Well, the PS2 can run 1234567890987654321 bajillion polygons per microsecond and the Dreamcast can only push 1234567890 polygons per microsecond.

Bad post.
Written by Sky on 2008/08/26

any ways good job pimp daddy explaining our issue with mike moran. all he do is recycle. and kenny k you are not smart so stop pretending to be.
Written by Kenny K on 2008/08/26

excuse me sky?

lol @ victus, well the DC runs games at 480p, the ps2 doesn't even run games at 480i!
Written by blacktiger on 2008/08/26


PimpD is right

1.) MSG4 is old news. Move Along.

2.) 360 owners don't care about MGS4. They have enough games already.

3.) There's a game called MGS4? I though it was a movie.

4.) 360 owners don't wan't sloppy seconds.

That's why the news is keep comming....


I'll belive anyone who says Xbox fan boys dont want MGS4,

and yet we see the news... all the time...
Written by Kenny K on 2008/08/26

Even though the lack of MGS4 on the 360 doesn't bother me, I wouldn't mind having the option to buy it right now instead of waiting until I decide to pick up a ps3.

360 owners do want the game and care, it's just not the biggest thing in the world, nor is any game for that matter.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/08/26

Kenny K: I don't wan't it. And I have full time access to both the 360 and PS3. I haven't played Metal Gear since the NES. So to be honest I don't care because I haven't played any of the Metal Gear Solid series since it started with the PS1. But that's just me.
Written by evilblackranger on 2008/08/26

i think buying metal gear solid 4 was a waste for me.
Written by VaeVictus on 2008/08/26

MGS4 was a very fun game. The boss battles were definitely the biggest disappointment in how easy they were...with the exception of 3 of them. Well, once you figured out the secret behind defeating one of the difficult three, it was easy, but that being said, MGS4 was an experience that doesn't happen that often. Of course, if you never played the first 3, then you probably shouldn't start off w/ MGS4...though there is a MGS database you can d/l for free off of PSN.
Written by whYte420 on 2008/08/26

Who cares if this game isn't coming on 360, Sony has to have atleast 1 good game.
Written by blacktiger on 2008/08/26

i dont get any of you, thats the point of console race,

if sony has all the xbox 360 games then why both get xbox 360...

MGS4 comming to Xbox 360 wouldn't matter to but something gota be exclusive...
Written by Kenny K on 2008/08/26

Wait what?

"if sony has all the xbox 360 games then why both get xbox 360..."

Mind repeating that in english?

Also MGS has never truly been an exclusive series anyways, I think that is one of the reasons why many speculate it will be ported to something at some point in time.

Written by madgunde on 2008/08/26

lol the xbots dissing MGS4. Sorry, but that game was truly worth playing and a fantastic value even without MGO, which does suck in my opinion. I think it took me 50-60 hours to finish playing the single player story and I enjoyed every minute of it.

But don't take my word on it: Metacritic score: 9.4/10. Same as Gears of War and Halo 3. But it has a much higher user rating than both of those games (9.0 vs. 8.4 and 7.4 respectively).
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/08/27

madgunde: Hey I respect your opinion. Alot of people seem to like MGS4. Expecially the SDF. But I would suggest anyone take the user rating on Metacritic with a grain of salt. You can go to the first page of user comments and see that somebody have Halo 3 a "0", and another a "3".

Please don't ever bring up the joke of a user rating on that site again :p

Written by CianMCL on 2008/08/27

i loved mgs4 but ive always loved em
Written by Kenny K on 2008/08/27

@ madgunde, what xbots are dissing MGS4? The only xbot here is krogan and no one reads what he says. I see people saying it's a good game and others saying they don't care for it. Just because some people are creaming their pants over the game doesn't mean they say it sucks.

Also the only thing sadder than fanboys like you using metacritic as ammo are corporations using metacritic. It doesn't mean jack.

"Written by QuestimElite on 2008/08/26

Anybody know how much Blu-Ray space MGS4 takes up?"

It takes up roughly around 30GB IIRC


Sorry MGS4 takes up 32GB total on the blu-ray
Written by VaeVictus on 2008/08/27

I'd say that metacritic has some meaning to perspective buyers. I know if I made a game,I'd defintely check metacritic to see what concensus reviews are. Metacritic also lets gamers know to stay the "F" away from games like Haze and other terrible games (ie 99% of Wii titles).
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/08/27

VaeVictus: I see the value of metacritic. I usually go there becuase I can see the score of all the reviews averaged together. It makes it easy for me to find the different reviews. My point to madgunde is that the user reviews aren't worth a damn.

I mean somebody gave Halo 3 a "0" just because he though it would help balance out the score since people were giving it 10's. There are very few inbiased scores given out by the users.

User Reviews = Fail
Written by VaeVictus on 2008/08/27

oh, user reviews i pay 0 attention to unless i know the user
Written by Kenny K on 2008/08/27

Most reviews in the industry, user or professional, are skewed or worthless. I also don't take the average or info from metacritic as anything worth paying attention to. They take comments out of the reviews without much context which destroys the main point of said reviews.

When we have editors getting fired for giving a bad review, reviewers giving good games bad reviews (*cough* Too Human, Assassins Creed *cough*), or giving a game a perfect 10 just to admit later they never finished more than 10 hours in the game then yeah reviews are pretty much meaningless when you think about it.

In the end they are nothing more than opinions anyways, while they should be as unbiased as possible (total lack of bias is impossible) that is usually not case. The only part of any review that has any merit is the only part that isn't really an opinion which would be the technical aspects of a game. While opinions will vary over the look of the game, it's hardly an opinion if a game has frame rate issues, bad controls, ugly textures, bugs, or other rough spots.

The game itself is a matter of opinion, but things that can be proven and experienced are anything but an opinion.
Written by evilblackranger on 2008/08/27

exactly hoes
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