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Rage For 360 Will Not Have Less Content Due To DVD >
2008/09/17 16:23:23: Posted by DM
Earlier today, there was a report From the Austin Game Conference that the Xbox360 version of the upcoming id Shooter Rage would suffer from content loss due to the limits of the console's DVD storage format. Well, the statement has been clarified by id Software's Tim Willits, who actually said it in the first place. Now, it seems that the overall story was not changed in any way, but how the player experiences it has changed. There was no content removed from the Xbox360 version, it seems, but the content has been reshuffled and re-fit in order to flow better on a DVD. All the content is there, and on the two discs the Xbox360 version ships with, there will be one big wasteland on each disc, rather than earlier today's report that each disc would hold 5 or 6 smaller environments. Good to hear, id!

"During my talk today I mentioned that we originally wanted to have around 5 or 6 smaller wasteland environments but later decided instead to have 2 larger wastelands," he explained. "Mostly because we were going to be shipping on two DVDs for the 360 and felt that it would play better with one large wasteland on each disc so there would be no loading between wastelands."

Labeled With  rage xbox360 id software

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Written by Sky on 2008/09/17

Sounds like there back peddling
Written by B1ueBurneR on 2008/09/17

you should be used to familiar with back peddling, Sony does it alot.
Written by jb33 on 2008/09/17

Spin Cycle
Written by VaeVictus on 2008/09/17

Yeah, the publisher doesn't want a huge install base thinking they are buying a "substandard" product.
Written by madgunde on 2008/09/17

Glad they clarified that, I'd hate to think my PS3 gaming experience was going to suffer because of a Microsoft design/licensing decision. But still doesn't make me feel great that they modified the game's design from their original concept to meet the limitations of the 360 and Microsoft's licensing/royalty agreement pertaining to the number of discs a game uses. Still feels like the PS3 and PC versions are being held back in a way...

Here's to hoping the game is great, regardless.
Written by Xenos on 2008/09/17

Why is it not hard to tell who's the sony fanboy here? We even have contradicting comments within the same message.

Yes this is all a huge conspiracy and this gen is doomed because of the weak and very limited 360.


I really hope you guys take this to heart and just not buy the game. Maybe that way I won't have to hear little girls crying over assumptions.

Again typical GR

Negative 360 news: believe it in an instance. Positive 360 news: start the spinning game.
Written by VaeVictus on 2008/09/17

It's just that when someone like Carmack says that the game could be "lesser" on the 360 b/c of them not wanting to budge on their licensing issues, it leads people to ask questions and seek logical answers.

A)Why doesn't this affect the PC?

--No licensing fees. Fair enough.

B)Why doesn't this affect the 360's direct competitor the PS3?

--Ah, Blu Ray eliminates the need for additional discs.

So yeah, the direct reason is the licensing fee. I get that. However, it cannot be denied that in this SINGLE instance, that a larger storage medium would have made this a non issue.

All of the verbage coming from the id camp these past few days just feels like spin. There's nothing wrong with that. Sony mastered spin during the PS2 days...not so much for the PS3. :-D

It's ok though Xenos, I do get what you are saying.

The question is, can you see it from my perspective?

You're still a cool somb*tch.

A grumpy somb*tch, but cool nonetheless.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/09/17


VaeVictus: Stop kissing up.

Xenos: Loosen up that XDF hat just a little.

MadGunde & Sky: Thanks for representing the SDF.
Written by VaeVictus on 2008/09/17

I'm not kissing up. He's not a mod. By the way, PimpDaddy, did I tell you how awesome you were?

Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/09/17

VaeVictus: You need knee pads before kissing up to me. It's a requirement :p
Written by Sky on 2008/09/17

not to derail but has anybody beat Braid?

I did not to long ago and its one of the best games I played this gen next the MGS4.. the ending is sad, twisted and unbelievable

I recommend everyone buy it right now.. READY GO!
Written by kr0niXz on 2008/09/17

What was Microsofts options? Go with Blu-Ray... I think not. Microsoft played this situation very smart, big deal a few stupid games need multiple discs, there are amazing games on Xbox 360 that fit easily on DVD9. (PS3 games fit on DVD9 as well, except for like 2)
Written by madgunde on 2008/09/17


Microsoft could also not charge developers a premium for making games with more than 2 discs. This licensing policy is having a direct impact on the content the developers make and for what? So Microsoft can save face for having a last-gen storage medium in their box. What would you prefer, to have all your games come on no more than 2 discs at the expense of content or for developers to build the games they really want to and push the envelope?


I'm not defending Sony, so I'm not sure why you're bringing up the "SDF", but it's nice to see you at least being neutral and handing out the XDF label, as much as I hate you throwing those labels around to begin with.
Written by PimpDaddy on 2008/09/17

madgunde: I know you hate it. But it's my opinion. Maybe SDF is too strong of a classification. How would you classify somebody who supports Sony, hates Microsoft, and will only buy the PS3 and not the 360?

Work with me here...
Written by Xenos on 2008/09/18

@ Pimpdaddy: XDF hat? F^ck that, these people who are so quick to think anything and everything negative about the 360 are no better than Krogan. I didn't agree with his sh!t, so why would I agree with the fantards here?

They probably didn't even read the article you posted Pimp. No instead they will believe what they want to believe. If the guy swears on his kids that nothing was cut, then I would believe him regardless of platform. It DOES make sense to have 2 larger wastelands that need to be loaded instead of 5 smaller wastelands, each with their own load screens.

However again, the SDF around here won't even consider the thought. Instead we get stupid comments like "well it's good that it's clear, but FOR SOME REASON I still think ps3/PC version is held back" For some reason, for some reason? It's because you are a biased tool you f^ckin moron.

I would love to hear how having two larger wastelands is worse than having 6 smaller wastelands? I want to read how the SDF fantards here can spin this in a bad way. How does it make sense to put in more loading?

Put in disc 1, load first wasteland, play, put in disc 2, load second wasteland, play.

But no, the idiot SDFs here think it makes more sense to put in disc 1, load wasteland, play, load second wasteland, play, load third wasteland, play, put in disc 2, load fourth wasteland, play, load fifth wasteland, play, load sixth wasteland, and finish.

Makes REAL sense. It's the personal agendas that I have an issue with and everyone going along with it is f^ckin pathetic.

Written by VaeVictus on 2008/09/18

I think the reaction is more b/c of how much the id guys are explaining themselves. It's also one of the few items a Sony fan can cling to outside of the RRoD. Blu Ray is great as a storage medium, but as of now has had no real impact on gaming. This is the 1st "sorta/kinda" instance of a cross platform game that blu ray's additional storage can be used as justification for the format.

Again, I know the issue with id is not dvd9, it is the licensing cost of the 3rd disc. I'm assuming that the PC version will come on a DVDRom as well, and it was never brought up in the discussion by id. PC uses dvdrom and will be the superior version.

I think id made more of a mountain out of this molehill before Sony fans were able to truly grasp what id was actually trying to say. I think Carmack is more responsible for this (indirectly) b/c he said what he said. I think he was using the press as a means of pressuring MS. What he did is inadvertently start a fanboy d*ck measuring contest.
Written by Xenos on 2008/09/18

If nothing was cut and the only change was two massive wastelands instead of 6 smaller wastelands, how is that justification for blu-ray or justification for Sony fantards to jump to conclusions?

I have no doubt that the game was altered to better accommodate DVD9, but to automatically assume that it was a negative alteration is narrow minded.

No, instead we have a bunch of fanboys that actually WANT the game to be downgraded just to find excuses to bash the 360.

I'm sorry but how is this not pathetic?
Written by VaeVictus on 2008/09/18

You're looking at it from the wrong perspective. You have to see it from a fanboy perspective to understand the argument.

--This is the only thing fanboys will "see"...

3 discs vs 1 disc

5-6 levels "cut" to 2 instead of 5-6 levels become 2

Fewer textures b/c of swap to 2 discs from 3

--This is what will not be "seen"...

Fewer textures will be hard to notice

5-6 levels become 2, no content cut

Barely noticeable difference

Don't want to do 3 discs b/c of cost

Sony platform harder to develop for

Written by Xenos on 2008/09/18

But the wastelands aren't levels. They shouldn't be seen that way. If the overall mass of land is the same but melded together from 6 smaller to equal 2 larger, then there was no negative impact.

It's merely changing the loading zones. Yes these zones better fit the multi-disc scenario, but why would anyone want more loading even with one disc? That's what confuses me. If the missions, story, graphics, and everything else remains the same while the only change is the wasteland layout, how is this such a negative thing that we need to be predicting doom for the rest of this gen?

Also, where would they get that there would be less textures? There are the same amount of textures in all versions. It's just in some areas, the compression will make the textures look more blurry on the 360 version. If these blurry textures are textures that you really need to look for, then how is any of this damaging?

I'm confused and annoyed, and I agree that I'm not seeing it from a fanboy perspective, but the fantards need to get a life and just enjoy their system of choice.
Written by Xenos on 2008/09/18


I just realized something, and this is my fault, ID never said anything about content being cut because of DVD9. 1UP is the one who put words in Mr. Willit's mouth. He did say the game was altered, but nothing was said about anything being cut.

So now my question to the fantards is, how can this be backpeddling, damage control, or any spin when ID never stated anything about cut content?

That's what I thought, f*ck off fanboys.
Written by VaeVictus on 2008/09/18

I understand that they are not levels. I'm explaining what "they" see.
Written by Xenos on 2008/09/18

I know, I know, and I'm saying f*ck them. Ignorant idiots like "them" should just stop thinking all together.
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